A RAWR For All Seasons - A 2011 Roundup...

Saturday, 31 December 2011

They say time flies when you're having fun, and that certainly seems true of 2011. We only started the blog in May 2010, so early 2011 was our first Spring/Summer - a time spent just finding our place in the blogworld and having fun with it. Things got crazy after our first birthday in May 2011 when we ran a huge competition for our followers which was a lot of fun! Autumn/Winter saw us getting chosen to be in the Look Show Final Five and we were seperated in September as T flew off to travel the world. This post is a concoction of some of our fave photos from the year, some previously posted, others are a first look from our personal archives - enjoy!

Rebel Nails rocked my camera, I still love the way this close up came out.

I love this pic of T from when we did our take on Festival Style for TK Maxx in the early Summer, I imagine her to be as serene as this at Glasto, whilst everyone else is covered in mud ;)

Before I discovered my favourite wall, I was harnessing sunsets and balancing on a ledge in every outfit shot, the sky looks so pretty in this one. And P.S. MY HAIR IS SO SHORT!

High Summer saw us take to London with B, E and our L - the lovely Lara Lain, where she took to smacking my ass during Lucky Voice karaoke like a Rawrgirl to F21.

The pretentious walk shots. T definitely worked it better than I did, I have far too much junk in the trunk!

Bear Grylls. Okay, so not Bear Grylls, barman in TGI's. We giggled in his direction for over an hour then told him he looked like someone we knew, to which he replied 'Let me guess, Bear Grylls?'. Oops. Good sport though ;)


T looks SUPER hot in this one, the colours remind me of the Twilight forest.

A shot from The Look Show at Westfield Stratford City. WOW that place was busy but good times!

My wall, and the spike Lita's which have probably been photographed more times than Bieber by now.

T and her furry friend in Oz. I love the way the koala is clearly working the Blue Steel here, cuuuuuuuute!

We've had such an amazing year, here's hoping we all have a fabulous 2012 too, AND that the world doesn't end as predicted by that god awful movie. But hey, if it does, let's all don our spiked jackets and get our Britney moves on underground. Ohhhh oh oh oh oh oh ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh!!!

Lots of love and rawr kisses, Tara & Jade x x x x

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We're Baaaaaaack!

Friday, 30 December 2011

Hey there! Did you all have an amazing christmas? 9 days since our last post and here we are, tardy doesn't even cover it but it HAS been the holidays, and the sales, and illness struck too, soooooo... anyhoo, we're back now, and ready to bounce right into 2012! To get us back in the mood I thought I'd start with an outfit post, because I picked up a few new bits before and over christmas that I haven't done a show and tell on yet, and they happen to look soooooo cute together ;)

One of my fave things is my new faux fur coat from Fashion Union, £60. I seriously haven't taken this thing off since christmas day, it's the perfect length for mini dresses and I adore the discreet animal print fur, which is super soft too. If you haven't bought from Fashion Union before, I totally recommend it - I think they're going to be huge in 2012.

The tights are Pretty Polly Pretty Rebellious, the shredded material totally rocks and they have an amazing way of making outfits look instantly hot. The brown leather satchel is from Bertie, it's a classic and so gorgeous, I think Tara would die for it soooooo maybe I'll let her hold it one day hee hee ;)

My cute bowler hat was given to me by my BFF Steph as a gift, it's from River Island and she knew I wanted it months ago - it has CAT EARS!! Yes, I do look a little like a Batman villain, but when is this ever a bad thing?! I took this pic in the rain, raindrops were falling on my head.

I also may have treated myself to a piece of the new WILDFOX jewellery line - SQUEEE! This ring set is £50 from ASOS, and if you don't love it, I will fight you.

Finally, here we go ladies, by way of Envi Shoes circa Ally Over The Ocean and via my ever loving boyfriend Timmy - I found my ultimate Jeffrey Campbell Lita's under the tree - CAT TAPESTRY! They. Have. Cats. On. Them. You won't ever know how much I heart these things. Behold.

This is pretty much a replica of my christmas day outfit, the dress peeping from under the coat is the Motel Lyne dress £42, that I posted about before christmas. It's my perfect dress shape, I hope Motel start popping their best prints on this cut more often!

And with that, normal blogging will now resume (along with going back to work and not drinking Baileys every night - boooo!). Hope you all had a very merry christmas - what did you wear?! Please link us to your outfit posts!

J - Wasted.
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T's HAWT Sale Picks!

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Oh Little Rawrers, 4 sleeps until CHRISTMAS!!

Not only do I love this time of year because of the parties, presents & gifting, I also love the amazing Christmas SALES! Most major online stores have started theirs & I've wasted no time at all by getting stuck in. Check out my top sale picks (so far):

stylestalker- Snake Leather-Look Bustier Dress: Was £125, Now £37.50.

I adore stylestalker's designs but usually can't afford their yummy pieces. This dress has an amazing 70% off making it hella affordable and cheaper than a Topshop dress. SQUEE!

Sea NY- Star Pullover: Was £250, Now £125.

J & I are star obsessed right now, if it has stars on it, we want it. This Sea NY pullover is a smarter & (now) cheaper version of my epic Seeing Stars Lennon Sweater by Wildfox. LOVE.

Low Luv By Erin Wasson- Circle Bone Monocle Pendant: Was £123, Now £49.

I'm crazy for Low Luv x Erin Wasson & this Monocle Pendant is too freakin' cute. It's definitely on my Birthday list (MOMZ: Take Note).

ASOS- Dalmation Faux Fur Coat: Was £85, Now £51.

Wrap me up and call me a cuddly Cruella De Vil. It's SO fluffy (& so adorablz too)!

One Teaspoon- Leather Bandeau Tutu Dress: Was £230, Now £57.50.

One Teaspoon is one of the coolest aussie brands ever and this dress is to die for. A tutu with LEATHER!? Seriously, what more could you ask for? Oh yeah, for it to be UBER cheap.
French Connection- Buffy Clutch: Was £80, Now £40.

Every girl should own a studded clutch. It's perfect for New Year's Eve & would definitely give a touch of RAWR to any ensemble.

T - SO ready to spend my Christmas/Birthday monies!! XoX

All images credited to their sources.
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Help Us Win The Matalan Style Project!

Monday, 19 December 2011

Soooooo, we're up for December's Matalan Style Project and we'd LOVE it if you guys would take the time to pop in a vote please!

If you're not familiar with the contest, every month Matalan give 4 bloggers £50 to create a themed outfit - lucky us huh?! The 4 outfits are then put to a public vote (oooh it's SO X Factor!)and the blogger with the most votes is crowned that month's winner, and we get a shizzy banner for the blog! The theme this month was Little Black Dress, and this is what I came up with!

This whole outfit, and I mean WHOLE outfit, cost just £50.50! Everything! Shoes, tights, dress, blazer, bag, bow and bangle - the whole shebang. Yep, I was shocked too, that sure was some savvy shopping!

We went in heavy at the start but votes have dropped off this week so I'd love you all forever and ever amen if you could hit THIS asap and pop a comment in the box to say you're voting for moi, Jade at The Style Rawr, thankyou please! :D

If you think you'd like a pop at the Style Project, keep your eye on @Matalan on Twitter, for the next shout outs!

J - Churrrrrz!
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Countdown To Christmas Gift Guide - Dancing Cat Speaker at Firebox!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Firstly, I apologise for the missing gift guide from last night. In reality, I had lappy problems but I'd like you to imagine that yesterday's gift was the gift of THOUGHT. So of course their was no post, I was THINKING of it ;)

Anyhoo, today's gift is one for music lovers. Don't act like you're not impressed. Plug him in and wait for the good timez. He haz rithum.

Dancing Cat Speaker, £37.99 - Firebox. Totally ridiculous, but HOW CUTE?

Do you LOVE it?!

J - Kitteh's ROCK!
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Countdown To Christmas Gift Guide - Mavala Angels!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

We are massive Mavala fans, so we HAVE to have these heavenly minis!

Seriously, how cute are the little wings? You can find them in John Lewis stores at £4.10 each, and they come in 3 perfect party shades - Pure Diamond (silver glitter), Miami (pink) or Bordeaux (red wine) - yey!

We think Mavala have really NAILED this must have christmas stocking filler. Tee hee. I know, we kill ourselves we really do.

J - Angel paws.
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Countdown To Christmas Gift Guide! Getting Galibardy.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Dear Santa,

As a child I dreamed of growing up to be Wonder Woman or She-Ra. I still want to be those big-haired, kick-ass Amazonian-like goddesses and I think this Tassle Cuff, £21 from Galibardy, would ignite the super powers that I'm sure I have buried inside somewhere.

Do it Santa, it's for the good of the world.


J x x x
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Countdown To Christmas Gift Guide! Fairy Wand Salt & Pepper Shakers at Find Me A Gift!

Sunday, 11 December 2011

I absolutely love these things, at just £3.99 from Find Me A Gift, they make a cute gift for anybody who loves kawaii kitchen stuff - like us!

They're listed as salt and pepper wands but you can also use them for icing sugar when baking, which I think looks adorable and would be a massive hit with any budding Tinkerbell's that might be helping out! Check out my brownies getting a dusting ;)

For the £3.99 price, the packaging looks smart and like something you might find next to the Alessi and Koziol goodies in a designer homeware store, and the wands themselves are sturdy and easy to use, an ideal stocking filler!

J - Sprinkle, sprinkle little star!
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Countdown To Christmas Gift Guide - KISS Onesie's at Jumpin Jammerz!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

This one is for Ally Over The Ocean, who seems to be under the impression that onesies aren't rock and roll, well check this one out - snuggle up with the gods of rock themselves - KISS!

This Dr Love Kiss Footed Onesie is $64.99 from JumpinJammerz, who ship worldwide - hurrah! They also do a mean Barbie line, for those who prefer a less crazy night ;)

Onesies - Love or Hate? Personally, it's a LOVE from me, especially in this weather!

J - Star Child.
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Countdown To Christmas Gift Guide! Breakfast At Tiffany's Coin Purse at Truffle Shuffle!

Friday, 9 December 2011

So let's say your girl is a bit of an old school diva, presses her nose up against the windows of the place where the lil' blue boxes live, belongs to nobody and nobody belongs to her?

Well oh golly gee damn! She'll more than love this cute Breakfast At Tiffany's Coin Purse, £7.99 from Truffle Shuffle!

You have to love the use of Holly's classic quote, a life mantra if ever we heard one so YES, we're just CRAZY about this purse!

J - I have a cat, but he has a name ;)
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Countdown To Christmas - A Rawrgirl Guide To Savvy Shopping!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Okay, so it's like 2 weeks (ish) away the big day and we're all running around like mentalists trying to find amazing gifts for our buds, but we don't all have the dollar to back us up right? Right. So it's time to get savvy. Here are a few gift ideas and tips to help you think on your well heeled feet ;)

Tip 1: ALWAYS check out TK Maxx.

I've recently found some amazing bargains instore; Disney Couture jewelz, House of Holland tights, dalmatian print satin and Cyberjammies PJ's, OPI giftsets, Cowshed yummies - the list goes on! If your local store isn't your cup of tea (mine is quite frankly, the bomb), there is no excuse not to look online - it's a veritable feast of hidden goodies! Top online picks that are just a click away right this second include All Saints accessories, starting at just £9.99! I know T would love this Large Link Necklace, £14.99. It's a classic AS style, these things don't date and I'm certain that it would go down a treat with any Saints fan!

Tip 2: Know your recipient.

For example, I know that Ally would be happy as a Rawrgirl on RPattz with anything that shows the tiniest bit of thought and is a bit awesome in the rock stakes, whereas a certain other person I know (Steph it's not you!) kind of disregards gifts that she deems um, useless! I have wasted a lot of energy and money buying said person a lot of things which if I'm honest, I kinda wanted to grab back as soon as I saw her face - fume! So yes, know your recipient. For those difficult people in life, I like to head straight for webby's like Find Me A Gift, or Firebox, where the potential gifts come thick and fast as you search by recipient type or category.

I'll be doing a show and tell on this super cute Fairy Wand Salt & Pepper Shaker set, £4.99 from Find Me A Gift this weekend, simply because they're too cute not to wave around whilst wearing a lot of glitter eyeshadow. Seriously, at just £4.99, they don't break the bank but they do make a thoughtful gift for a gal who likes her home accessories to be fun and cute (and I TOTALLY know one of those gals!).

Tip 3: Boys like Toys.

If you are a girl, chances are you have men in your life that you struggle to buy for and end up gifting socks or smellies sets for boys, and whilst very useful they aren't the most exciting things in the world. SO, how do we remedy this whilst not shelling out on videogames or ipods? TOYS. You may not like it, but do yourself a favour and take yourself off to the nearest Argos, Toys R Us or Smyths and make like a 10 year old. There are basically 3 types of men when it comes to toys.
Man 1 - Star Wars. He likes movies, gaming, clothes and is a bit trendsome.
Man 2 - Lego. The more serious, thinking man, possibly a dad.
Man 3 - NERF. The sporty, action guy. He's at the pub a lot.

It's safe to assume that if you can find a Lego Star Wars Nerf gun of some sort then it's a sure thing. This little guy is close enough, he's Lego AND Star Wars but with the addition of that ever useful man tool, a torch. The Lego Darth Vader Keylight, £6.99, Smyths. He brought so much joy to the boyfriend's little face when we brought him home. Bless.

And there you have it, a little introduction to our Countdown to Christmas week. Starting tomorrow we'll be showcasing a covetable item a day (because I spend A LOT of time staring at the interwebz looking at stuff so I need to share!), and if you like it then you better put a ring on it because there's not long left - oooooweeeeeee!!!!!

J - I've been an awful good girl ;)
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Christmas Party: Rawr Girl Style!

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Howdy Rawrers!! Can you believe it's the 1st of December!? I'm already getting excited about the presents & the PARTIES! I recently created my DREAM Christmas Party look on Motilo:

What do guys think of it!?

I'm totally in LOVE with the whole thing, especially the leather jacket= HAWT. You know I would rock this outfit SO hard ;)

Please vote for my set by 'liking' it & show your RAWR support!

T- It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! xoxo
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Going On The Wants List - Zoe Karssen I Heart Cats Tee at Frank & Doll!

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

This one is simple. I totally heart cats. Pelecat Clancy-Egerton Esq. is my life and everyone knows it. I also heart tees, especially those of the cute slogan kind. And as my final point, Frank And Doll are one of the hottest new stores to catch our eyes this year, yet I am still to make my first purchase from there. So yeah, no brainer - I NEED this!

Zoe Karssen I Heart Cats tee, £50 at Frank And Doll.

Now to just get the boyfriend to look below into Pelecat's eyes while he sends him the subliminal message to buy me the aforementioned shirt....OBEY MY CAT!!

Apologies if any of you guys also got sucked in there. He haz powerz.

J - I Heart Christmas.
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MOAR Motel Leopard Please!

Motel have only gone and gifted me this yummy Motel Lyne Shift Dress in Leopard - £42, and wow, I love it!

Not being as svelte as I once was, I'm not body confident enough to rock one of Motel's famous body con dresses so I was super happy to see they were running a cute line of 60's style shift dresses this season, the Lyne is a curve skimming, flattering drop waist shift cut and I chose leopard because well, you can NEVER have enough leopard - RAWR!

For some reason, I totally expected it to be jersey but it's actually a really pretty silky crepe style material, so still just as hot for parties as it is for everyday - hurrah! The length is perfect (and I'm a shortie at 5'4) and the little front split is a nice little touch. Overall, fine holiday fun - take a look!

Annnnnnnnd, if you like this gorgeous new leopard print and style, you should totally check out the New Arrivals at Motel because for 24 hours there is a special 20% discount code - check it out!

Let's seeeee, things I want with 20% off.....

Jordie Leopard Stretch Denim Hot Pants - £38

Gabby Sequin Dress in Charcoal - £58

Motel is really THE place to get your party pieces this season - GO!

J - Motel ROCKS!
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It's All about MeMeMe! Summer Brights Nail Varnish Set at Find Me A Gift!

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

So the weather outside is frightful, but lookey here, a little box of bright delights for our nails! The MeMeMe Summer Brights Nail Varnish Set - £14.99 from Find Me A Gift, is the perfect pick me up to the winter blues and would make a hot gift for any nail polish loving chick like mememe!!

The set is made up of four gorgeous polishes in a chic little gift box; a bright blue, an amazing acid green/yellow, a juicy tangerine orange and a hot pink!

I decided to go all out on these and wear them all at once (be gone S.A.D!) with a touch of leopard (helped out by my trusty black nail art pen) and I think they look awesome. I was really surprised to find that the MeMeMe polishes have a thick, square brush which gives really good nail coverage in one stroke. This is a good thing because WOW these polishes dry quickly! There's no hanging around here, you gotta get that polish on and run or risk drag, but this was cool for me because I'm a fast decorator anyway ;)

Two coats gave an even colour on all four shades, though I felt the orange needed a third to equal the desity of the others. Overall, I'm really happy with this set. At £14.99 it works out at just under £4 each, which is a lower end price but the quality is really good, and as a set these four colours work really well together. My favourite is the acid yellow/green, it's really unusual and would look awesome with a matte top coat over it.

So yes, another fine set from MeMeMe at Find Me A Gift, definitely worth checking out!

J - Rainbow leo on a rainy day.
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Scarfing Around in Charlotte Taylor

Sunday, 27 November 2011

I've been a Charlotte Taylor fan for a while and we posted about her amazing repeat animal prints on silk designs a few months back, but now I've actually got my paws on one of her to die for scarfs! This is the Large Silk Elephant Scarf, and it's SO PRETTY!

Unfortunately we've had really strong winds this weekend, so for fear of it blowing off to Oz (Wizard of, not Tara of), or onto my lipgloss (ARGH!!) I took a little inside pic for now. You can rest assured that it will be joining me on a future weekend style post as soon as Mr Gustypuff settles down over here!

I'm just wearing it here over a Wildfox tee and some jeans, the 100% silk adds a bit of luxe to a casual outfit and I'm loving it! The colours are just gorgeous; soft and muted but with a lot of POP. A girl could get hooked on this kind of thing (eyes up Ant Blouse )- SQUEE!

J - Elefunking.
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Saturday Style - Faux Leather is the Truth.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

I never wear dresses in the day, but I've recently added 4 really nice winter ones to my wardrobe so I'm trying to work them into some new weekend outfits, plus I'm also rediscovering my tights drawer, which is seemingly VAST - hurrah!

Today's dress is a fitted faux leather one from The Fashion Bible , paired with my fave chunky leopard cardi from River Island, opaque yellow tights from Matalan and yep, they're back - the Lita's ;)

That last pic makes me laugh, I'm so cheesy but sometimes you have to just let it out so game on.

J - Yeller.
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Rawr LOVES: Fashion Bloodhound & Alice Menter Jewellery!

Thursday, 24 November 2011

This Rawr Magpie LOVES discovering amazing new jewellery designers & thanks to the awesome Fashion Bloodhound, I've just been introduced to the super stylish, Alice Menter:

Designer Alice is from my hometown (Bristol) and her incredible pieces have been featured in top fashion magazines such as Instyle, Stella, Marie Claire, Grazia & Drapers!

Inspired by her travels to Thailand, her pieces are unique and eye catching- perfect for any fashionista wanting to make a statement.

T's Top Pick:

Sadie in Silver- £160.
I absolutely love this. It's so quirky & would definitely add a bit of RAWR to any outfit!

If you want to drool all over Alice Menter's designs in person (amongst other MUST-HAVE jewelz & threads), I recommend checking out Fashion Bloodhound's pop-up store in Bath, from this Saturday. The store is going to be in Little Southgate for 2 months, so it's perfect for getting Christmas pressies.

If you aren't familiar with Fashion Bloodhound, it's an amazing online store that allows you to buy & sell pre-loved designer fashion. The new pop-up store will contain vintage items, second-hand items, as well as pieces that are new with tags.

FB is a great alternative to eBay & a celebrity favourite, you can get your mitts on all sorts of goodies from Mulberry bags to Siwy jeans! The next time I have a wardrobe sort out, I'm definitely sending a package to these guys because it's totz hassle free.

T- Wants to go shopppppppppppping thanks to FB!! XoX

All images credited to Alice Menter & Fashion Bloodhound.
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