SensatioNail LED Gel Nail Kit Review

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

I've been using home gel nail kits for almost 2 years now and I'm a complete gel nail varnish convert - I no longer buy regular nail varnish! There are a several different options on the highstreet and I've tried a few, the most recent being the LED gel nail lamp by SensatioNail.

Why choose gel nail polish?

It lasts longer. I may work in an office but I'm forever chipping my nails (typing on a keyboard can be tough) & SensatioNail claims to last up to 2 weeks! Getting Shellac can be an expensive habit so I'd much rather save cash and do it myself.

Gel Nails Home Kit

What I like best about SensatioNail is the curing time. It only takes 15 seconds to cure top & base coats and it cures colour in just 30 seconds per coat! With Red Carpet Manicure, the base coat gel cures for 30 seconds; colour cures for 45 seconds per coat & the top coat cures for 45 seconds. ZZZzzz....

The LED lamp is also really clever, it flashes after 15 seconds so you aren't forced to count in your head or set a stopwatch. Painting my nails is now a doddle!

Would I recommend buying the SensatioNail LED lamp?

100%. If you love gel nails, go get it now for just £35.

Sensational Gel Polish

SensatioNail LED gel nail kit & nail polish (c/o)

The SensatioNail gel nail colours cost upwards of £12.50 and are 7.39mls - so a little on the small side. After getting over how cute the little bottle was, I felt a bit disappointed - Red Carpet Manicure polishes cost 49p more and are 9ml each. That being said, the colour I used in the picture above is Pink Bouquet, a gorgeous romantic shade perfect for Valentine's Day.

I don't have the SensatioNail base & top coat so used the alternative versions I own to create the above nails. As much as I adore the lamp and would recommend it to everyone, I wasn't overly impressed by the polish. In my opinion, the consistency isn't *quite* right. The coverage wasn't the best (I had to apply 3 coats) and it looked a bit messy and uneven. Also, it didn't last a week. Arguably, this could be because I didn't use the other SensatioNail products but I'm not sure.

My overall verdict?

Go buy this LED lamp tomorrow. It will change your LIFE. As for the nail polish? I'm pretty hard to please so I'll be using a different brand. SensatioNail is stocked in Boots stores across the UK and can be bought online!

Are you a fan of gel nails? Have you heard of SensatioNail?

T - Pretty in pink.

1 comment:

  1. It is used to beautify hands and it makes a woman look beautiful. It is important to protect yourself from heat. Some of the polishes contain vitamins and minerals, but they do not contain any harsh chemical substances. So, they strengthen the nails and clean the cuticles.


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