Navigating Motherhood During a Pandemic

Friday, 22 October 2021

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In the words of Britney, is this thing on? How did a couple of years slip by without a post? I'm going to start by blaming COVID-19. I was planning to revive this little corner of the internet for those nostalgic folks who still read blogs (like me), and then, BAM... A global pandemic.

I bought a house, worked from home, had a baby (hello sleep deprivation), and spent a good four months Googling every little concern. We're nearly six months into parenthood and the fog has well and truly lifted. I've adjusted to the lack of sleep, and honestly, this kid of ours is an absolute joy. BUT motherhood. It's a real mixture of emotions. All the emotions. Mum guilt is real.

Bristol Mummy Influencer UK

It's fair to say things have changed. I still love fashion, have serious wanderlust, and enjoy DIY, but this baby is the boss of me. Instead of caring about my own wardrobe and lifestyle, I now invest all my spare cash into his wardrobe and social activities. He's really well dressed, whereas I'm... currently wearing loungewear (reader: I'm wearing old leggings and a hoody), and I'm only just beginning to feel like my body is my own again. 

I hope to find time to write when the sleep thief is taking a rare nap. I feel like I've learned so much in six months - so expect some baby content, parenting realness, shopping lists, maybe the odd review, and hopefully some outfit posts. 

Before Remy (the boss) burst onto the scene, I always imagined I'd share his outfit posts... instead, I pretty much hid my pregnancy from social media. As much as I love following parenting influencers and have worked with some fantastic ones in the past, I'm not sure this guy's face will make the internet. Which, let it be known, is an absolute travesty - I know every parent thinks their kid is cute but this kid. Oh my. That doesn't mean we won't be sharing some cleverly angled photos though.

So this is post is just me saying, "I'm back" to anyone still listening and if you had a baby during a pandemic, I tip my fedora to you. We endured lonely scans, rushed appointments, mask-wearing (when it was hard to breathe), midwife shortages, non-existent visiting hours after birth, and cancelled classes... amongst a whole host of other rubbishness. Yet we overcame these challenges. And these challenges were just the beginning.

The boss is awake now. Until next time.

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