Secret Santa Challenge - Part 2!

Friday, 28 December 2012

Merry (belated) Christmas! Firstly, sorry for the lack of posts this festive season. It's been all go at Rawr Towers and blogging has taken a back seat while we've been cramming our faces with chocolate and playing with all our new toys! 

If you read my earlier post, you'll know that this year we were asked by to participate in a special blogger Secret Santa Challenge. I was paired with the adorable Jess from Look What I Got and we were both given a budget of £25 to spoil each other rotten. I was extremely excited when my (large) parcel from my stylin' Secret Santa arrived...
I didn't know what to expect but since Jess I have similar tastes, I was convinced I'd love it whatever it was. We were told to be creative, I opted to be super savvy and save as much as possible (Rawr girls have expensive taste) but Jess...Let's just say I was blown away by how much thought/effort she had put into gifts. Introducing, my Christmas Survival Kit:
Each gift was numbered 1-5. My friends & I often number presents for each other so I loved this little touch. This is what I found once I ripped them open...

...HUZZAH! I'm y'all agree that this was a pretty epic idea and I'm chuffed with everything she chose. My favourite is probably #5 because it's just too cute and I'm always cold at night - girl you did well! ;)

In case anyone is wondering, Jess also opened my gifts and blogged about them here. I can now reveal what I gave her a Fiorelli Leopard Purse and a Lip and Nail duo by Illamasqua! She seemed rather pleased and I'm now convinced we're the Secret Santa dream team. OH YES.

Thank you so much for my amazing presents Jess, the award for the bestest ever Secret Santa present goes to you. You little doll, you.

T - 100% Survived Christmas. XoX


  1. How nice, I would love to do this with another blogger, xoxo.

  2. Loved this post, having the mission element to the gifts just made it that little bit more fun and brought all the gifts together :D :D

  3. What a great idea the "mission" was - how creative!

  4. This is such a cute idea!!

  5. This is SO cute. I love all the little notes.

  6. I am so glad you liked the present, we are so the dream team!!

  7. This is such a cute present, you can tell you put a lot of thought into each others presents! So cute, and such a good idea from moneysupermarket!


  8. Wish I knew about this I'd love to be involved! Lovely bits and pieces xxx

  9. Aww that is just so cute!!
    Megan xxx

  10. LOVE what she did, so clever, creative and still such good buys!


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