Can't Afford A New Season SpiritHood? Rawr Girl To The Rescue!

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Life can be really hard when you're SpiritHoods obsessed but you just don't have any spare cash to spend on a new hood.

If you're also a rich girl trapped in a poor girl's body, check out my latest video for a little inspiration that could save you over £100!

Please note: If you feel a little sorry for me after watching this, just know I am accepting donations to the 'Let's get Tara a new season SpiritHood fund'. Every little helps...

T - AKA Badass Badger. XoX


  1. This is J. I just had to comment to say my pretend baby sis is the most adorkable girl I know ♡

  2. If I had any money, I would buy you a spirit hood, because you are just so damn cute and I want to pinch your ickle cheekies! xx

  3. Haha brilliant!!!

  4. Oh my god! I've never heard of Spirit Hoods before, but I love them already :O You've just given me a new obsession!
    Thanks for commenting on my blog :) Loving yours, I'm now following!
    Helen at Never Quite Elegant xx


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