There Ain't No Pardy Like An Ad Hoc Pardy!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

The highlight of our recent lost weekend to foggy London town was finally getting to visit our fave online store and Twitter pals Ad Hoc London IN REAL LIFE on yummy Kings Road, and it didn't disappoint!

We met the Ad Hoc girlz; Suzy, Jessie and Kitty, who were super cute, and had a ball playing around in the store trying everything on (no exaggeration) and generally having fine holiday fun in our fave place everrrrrrrrr!!!

Here are some of our fave snaps from the mothership....

J wondering if this spacey little combo would fit in her satchel *whistles*. . .

Tara and THE DRESS, as it has since become known :)

Jade doing a Price Is Right Showcase Showdown on The Ragged Priest shorts. Check out the happy face!

Bears mean srs bsnss. Growl. Arggg. SpiritHoods can change a girl, and there are A LOT of them in Ad Hoc! You just gotta let them have it out and then they'll become firm friends ;)

LOOK. AT. ALL. THE. WILDFOX. And this was only one corner of it, it was EVERYWHERE! All we needed was RPatz (or 'Symbol' as we now call him out of respect) to walk in and it would've been Rawrgirl heaven.

These amazing The Ragged Priest pieces had to be wrestled out of Tara's kung fu grip. If we were all rich girls . . .

Looking at me looking at chu!

SAUCE. That is all ;)

We had SUCH a good time, and picked up a few fierce pieces which you will see popping up on outfit posts over the next few weeks! If you've never visited Ad Hoc you must go, it really is like being a kid in a candy store, there's SO much to fondle and the prices are ridic (think Wildfox starting from £20 and full size Fuzzy Nation doggy bags at £20!). It's only a little place but there is so much more in store than online, this was literally our faces for about 2 hours while we wandered around :O


J & T - Phoning Home to Kitty Candy!


  1. I just love the spirit hoods, and all the studs, I could definatly have lots of fun in that store

  2. I love those ahorts!!!!


  3. Looks like a total treasure trove!!! Please let heaven be like an Ad Hoc London store...

  4. I was looking forward to this post and it didn't disappoint!! I wanna visit, and I wanna see what you guys bought :D

  5. Girls ! This is the shop version of you! #NuffSaid

  6. Hey Ladies i love the studs!! I want...Im a rock chick after all.
    I made my own studded shorts recentaly there amazing and i love them. - check it out if you want x

  7. Oh myyyy, I want to go there!

  8. So happy to see you girls reunite!!! <3 xxx


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