My Little Pony Hair With Stargazer Dyes!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

My blonde highlights have grown out to the point were they are about 3 inches from the ends of my hair, so practically dipped right? Anyhoo, I'm bored of them so I decided to inject a bit of colour into my life! Inspired by My Little Pony style clashing pastels I chose pink and mint green as my colour palette and Stargazer was my brand of choice when it came to choosing the tools. I've been a Stargazer fan for years, literally decades now I think about it, their colours and products are amazing for the prices.

I chose the Semi Permanent Hair Colour - £5, in Tropical Green and Baby Pink, and to check if the colour was for me first, I chose a Hair Mascara - £3, in Magenta too.

I tried the Hair Mascara first. I used to have Dior ones in the 90's and they were great fun so I was looking forward to trying the Stargazer one! It instantly stood out on my blonde pieces, and once dry it even stayed in after brushing which was good because clumps of hard hair isn't a great look! I received a ton of compliments in work after using it, so my mind was made up about going for it with the dye :)

The dyes were super easy to use. I just picked out my blonde bits (easier said than done!) and applied the dye with my fingers (wearing the gloves supplied) randomly. I was trying not to think about it too much as I wanted it to look a bit haphazard! About 20 mins later I rinsed and found that the Tropical Green was super bright (I knew it would be but the plan was to have it fade to a mint colour), but unfortunately the Baby Pink hadn't taken to the blonde as well and was more a peachy blonde than an obvious pink. Not to worry, I probably should've gone for the Magenta dye and let it fade to a baby pink colour but this is a learning curve for me so hey ho. Anyway, this is where the Hair Mascara comes in again as I've been using it to highlight the pink bits and make them stand out a bit more so yey me :)

Regardless of the pink, I'm super happy with the result. Here are some snaps, I'm running my fingers through it to show the different shades. This is 2 days after dying and it's faded to a nice mint colour now, which is the result I wanted so it's all good.

You can see where the pink has gone a bit crazy with itself, but this isn't a problem, I kind of like how it changes the tones of my boring brown hair to compliment the green, and I'm going to get a Magenta dye soon and have another go once it starts to fade a bit more.

I've still got loads of dye left in the 2 bottles, I've secured the tops and hopefully I can get another application out of them in a couple of weeks to freshen it up. I'd definitely recommend these products to anyone considering something similar. As I'm not a full blonde I knew my natural hair colour would hide anything that might have gone wrong so I wasn't that concerned when I was doing it, I doubt I'd have been so brave if I had a full head of blonde hair!

So yes, all in all, Stargazer dyes are the shizz - and if you're considering something similar, do it!

J - My Little Pony hurrrrr!!


  1. It looks so pretty! The green colour came out beautifully! x

    1. Thanks! I'm really pleased with the green, and it gets prettier every day as if fades :)

  2. I had the dior hair mascaras too!!! My mum bought a red one for me and a yellow one for me sis as our christmas pressie. Its so wierd to think that dior did hair mascaras! This post has really taken me back to the 90s. Now i really want to try the stargazer colours - going to make a purchase this week! xxx

    1. This made me lol! We obvi had such stylish mums ;) I wish Dior did such fun products again, the 90's stuff was always so cool. I had (still have actually!) an awesome army dogtag style lipgloss that hung off my belt - they need to do more stuff like that again!

  3. Love this so much! I love your little streaks- so subtle and the baby pink, mint green and black really compliment. I used to obsess over Stargazer and fudge dye in the 90s, had crimson, pink, purple, green etc! My favourite hair ever was platinum blonde with black and dark purple tips which faded to blue, so pretty!
    But I'm still really tempted by yellow and orange mascara streaks for my copper hair. x

  4. Thanks Carly!

    I SO wish I could have blonde hair like that, it looks awesome with all colours. The most I ever did was X-Tina-esque red, blonde and black streaks in college lol You should totally try the hair mazzy's, I want a purple one now!


  5. I've just got plume off stargazer, Im scared what it will look like ;ppp If It goes wrong, I suppose ive got alot of hat days! hah XD


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