Shorty Right There Is A Ten, A Ten . . .

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Oh the spring to summer transition can be a tricky one, especially when Mother Nature just isn't playing ball. I know you shouldn't cast a clout until May is out but I had every intention of wearing my new Own The Runway Navy Denim Dungaree Playsuit (£19.99) this weekend come rain or shine. At first we had shine and I thought 'Yessssss, finally a tshirt, dungarees, bare legs and boots day' then literally as I was showering it went dull and started to rain. What the fudge?! Not to be outdone I dug out a pair of coloured tights and went for it anyway . . .

Outfit: Dungaree shorts - c/o Own The Runway, Tshirt - Eleven Paris, Jacket - New Look, Tights - Oasis, Boots - Dr Martens, Bag - Paul's Boutique, Belt - L.A.M.B., Ring - Adorning Ava, Ring -  Jon Richard.

uk style and fashion blog outfit post featuring dungaree shorts Paul's Boutique and Dr Martens Darla boots.

These dungaree shorts are perfect, I live in my old full length denim dungarees but these are my first pair of short ones and I love them. I definitely prefer the dark navy to a lighter wash denim and the hardware on them is gold which is nice. I'm very pernickety about buttons and embellishments on denim because what shoes I wear and the bag I carry all hinge on whether they are gold or silver! They're a nice fit too, so I feel comfortable wearing them for a casual shopping trip despite showing a lot of leg.

Robert Pattinson Eleven Paris tshirt and denim dungaree shorts in uk style and fashion blog outfit post.

This is my new Paul's Boutique Maddy bag, isn't it ridiculously gorgeous? I just love the colours - the navy against the plum tassles and the warm tan - yum! Obviously it's HUGE, so it's the ideal shopping chum. Ooh, that rhymed.

Paul's Boutique navy Maddy bag in uk style and fashion blog outfit post

And the ever faithful Dr Martens Darla boots. I think I've had them for about 2 years and they are the comfiest things to wear. I'm pretty pleased with myself for pairing them with these red tights for that one colour leg lengthening(ish) look :)

Dr Martens Darla boots in uk style and fashion blog outfit post

Hopefully the weather will change for May and we'll get the chance to chuck out the tights and get some colour on our legs, but I'll still be wearing boots, it's just my thing!

J - Own the dungarees.


  1. Gorgeous outfit! I love the dungarees x

  2. This weather is driving me insane.

    You look great though, despite mother nature. I love the mix of colour with the dungarees and the tights and I looove the gold embellishment! xx

  3. I did bare legs yesterday but I was stiiiill pretty chilly. I could see Gwen circa 2004 rocking these dungas!

  4. Cuteness! I love your bag and boots, how gorgeous are they. xxx

  5. Love the dungarees!

    Stevie x

  6. Bit in love with those boots! xo

  7. Those dungarees are so cute, I love that you didn't let the weather win & just stuck some tights on! Haha! The colour of them is amazing (still a bit obsessed with oxblood!) & those boots too! ♡

  8. Actually LOVE this whole outfit on you J! <3

  9. I love the dungarees and especially boots and totally the outfit.

  10. Oooohhh, what a lovely bag! And what a lovely lady. x


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