Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Can you imagine discovering someone was using your blog name and logo on their new blog? As a blogger, it's something you hear about and pray to Patz that it never happens to you. Now imagine that your blog is your business and life's work. You have put all of your hard earned money into it, worked your butt off to make it as successful as it can be and it employs a team of people who rely on the income. Now imagine someone else with more power than you has come along and is blatently copying you with callous indifference, threatening to take away everything your brand has become for their own gains. You can almost feel your stomach drop away from your body.

Black White Denim, launched in 2010, has been hailed by the fashion world, quickly earning influence and a far-reaching reputation. Vogue called it a ”winning combination”, the company featured as one of the “Top 50 best boutiques outside of London” in the Sunday Telegraph and they are ranked no.4 in Drapers’ 100 Inspiring IndiesIn February this year they discovered that Pringle’s South African distributor, Scottish Knitwear Group, was planning on opening a store in Johannesburg this summer called Black White Denim, essentially ripping them off, and even going as far as to use phrases taken from the Black White Denim website, blatantly infringing the copyright.

Founder and managing director, Jo Davies, said, “I was outraged when I found out they were stealing our name. It is even worse coming from a company attached to a name like Pringle. We’re a small independent who has carved a livelihood by establishing a clear niche through a well thought-out, hard-won concept in which we have invested all we have. Now our whole business is under threat from a mass distributor cynically attempting to piggy-back on our concept.”

Black White Denim has written to Scottish Knitwear Group, requesting that they change the store’s name. However, Scottish Knitwear Group insist they are going ahead with their plans as they were ‘initiated with absolutely no ill intent’, leaving BWD to pursue the matter through the courts.

As fans of BWD's innovative concept and amazing brand choices, we were both saddened to hear of yet ANOTHER independent being treated like this by larger bods in the same industry. It's really unfair and you'd hope that once the matter was brought to the offending company's attention then they would realise that there has been an obvious um, mistake (ahem), and that it could all be resolved amicably but unfortunately it looks like BWD will have to fight for their right to be themselves through the courts. 

If you feel strongly about this issue and want to show your support, please click through HERE to read all about it and maybe email BWD at with a sentence explaining why you’re supporting the fight! Every bit of support could help, even if it's just with lifting morale at the store with a few nice words. Being independent definitely doesn't mean you are alone :)

Thanks for listening guys! 

Rawrgirls Over and Out.


  1. I LOVE YOU GUYS. This is AWESOME of you to post this!! <3 <3 <3

    1. It's just horrifying to think that this sort of thing goes on. As members of that little underworld gang, 'the internet', we wanted to do our part in raising awareness :) xxx

  2. Such a sad post but affirming to know that there will be a fight back! Must be devastating for the original BWD. Wishing them every success in getting the rightful outcome xxx

    Xo Amie

    1. Thanks for reading :) When you read it you just can't see how the outcome could rule against BWD, fingers crossed the court feels the same xx

  3. Impressed with this! Great post.

  4. That's so annoying, why would anyone do that? Urgh!

    1. No idea, how they think it would slip under the radar I'll never know! X

  5. It's so sad but I've seen big companies rip off small companies so many times. It's so unfair because often the small company doesn't have the power or money to fight back. Really hope it gets stopped in this case :( x

    1. I remember the Tatty Devine vs Claires case, and a smaller jewellery maker vs Topshop, and the knitwear pattern maker vs Debenhams, and there's no doubt been many more but it never fails to surprise me that they think, or just don't care regardless, that it will go unnoticed! X


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