New This Week...Featuring Bjorg, Primark and Rockport!

Sunday, 27 January 2013

So the weather has been pretty bad/all over the place this week. We had a crazy storm last night and all the snow is now gone *sniff*. Instead of an outfit post (we just had a freak hail storm a few minutes ago), I thought I'd share a few of my favourite bits/buys from this week.

On Thursday my boyfriend surprised me with this belated Birthday present from Bjørg jewellery. I had no idea they even sold earrings so was really surprised when I ripped open my gift and found these:

...A pair of Herkimer Diamond Studs Earrings. I absolutely love raw crystal so these are perrrfect to me. Most girls love polished diamonds but I honestly prefer something a little more unique, these Bjørg bad boys are just the ticket! My man knows me well.

I've made it pretty clear that the one trend I'm obsessing over this SS13 is Western. I made a pinspiration board full of all my favourite pieces and one thing every wannabe cowgirl needs is a good western shirt. There are plenty of them out there (well, online) but they aren't that affordable. I nearly freaked out when I spotted this bargain in Primark:

Such a steal at £10! The embroidery needs tidying up a little and it took me a while to find one without a flaw, but I'm over the moon with this little purchase. I promise to feature it in an outfit post next week, I just wish it was shorts weather! I definitely need a pair of dream cowboy boots to wear with it.

My final new item of the week is this Presia Envelope Clutch by Rockport. At the risk of sounding like a total ditz, until recently I had no idea Rockport sold fashionable shoes/accessories, I thought they just sold walking shoes!? A few months ago I noticed Push PR promoting them on Twitter and ended winning a pair of shoes for being a follower. Along with some shoes, they sent me this:

...and I love it, possibly even more than the matching shoe boots! Their webby is definitely worth a browse and there's info on UK stockists too. These new exotic Rockport bits will also be featured in separate (haha) outfit posts when it gets a bit warmer. 

Are you fan of any of my new pieces? Did you buy anything exciting this week?

T - Loves her wardrobe. XoX


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Charli, I also love how unusual they are! x

  2. I love those earrings! Deffo unique your boy's got good taste!

  3. Western look is always a winner if you ask me!

  4. Wow, that Primark shirt is amazing! I'll look out for it when I next visit!
    Katie xx

    1. I was so impressed, they sold pretty quickily, I hope you find one!

  5. These are such good buys!

  6. No way, I didn't know about Rockport either.. the name makes me think of scallies wearing boots at high school. I best check them out!

  7. Loving that embroided blouse and clucth..beaut! x

  8. I really love the earrings the fact they are so natural I love crystal Jewellery especially bracelets and studs really tempted to buy these now haha ! your very lucky to have a boyfriend to buy such beautiful gifts :D x

    1. I know, I'm so spoilt! I love natural jewellery :)

  9. ah really amazing pieces! absolutely loove those earrings and that shirt

    hope you'll visit back

  10. Beautiful earrings and a fantastic shirt!

  11. Love your shirt! Such a bargain!

  12. Those earrings are fabulous. I love how the box is like 20 times bigger than the earrings lol. They always like to overdo their packaging don't they.


  13. Those earring are beautiful! Can I steal your boyfriend please, that dude has good taste! Haha. I saw that shirt yesterday, it's so lovely! Complete bargain. x

    1. I wont tell him you said that, it'll just inflate his ego! ;) Yesss, my favourite Primark buy this year.xx

  14. I thought Rockport only sold shoes as well! I love those earrings, they're so beautiful and unique xxx

    1. I'm glad I wasn't the only one! Aren't they just!? I love Bjorg.x

  15. Rough, raw cut crystal always has that natural beauty. And I love the embroidery of the shirt too. It's often worth picking out the most flawless piece of clothing from a bunch, because some really are better made than others.
    Drop by!
    The Undercover Dress-Up Lover x

  16. That shirt is just the cutest!



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