Nicki Minaj's L.A.M.B. boots at TK Maxx!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

If I had to pick 2 things that I have talked about the most in my fashion life, they would probably be L.A.M.B. by Gwen Stefani, and TK Maxx. I have been obsessed with both over the past decade or so, yet only in my dreams did I imagine that the two of them would ever meet (I literally did dream about finding WDMLG cardigans in TK once, and another time I thought I had bought a leopard logo tank from the Runcorn store, but then I woke up and realised it didn't exist. The tank not the store, which is very much there next to Cineworld).

Anyhoo, I digress. In winter last year, L.A.M.B. bags were found in TK Maxx stores, and lambies across the UK rejoiced. I got my paws on a sweet little crossbody for my birthday which was about £30, and then this summer I again treated myself to a ridiculously cool grey leather slouchy number for an amazing £50. Both were approx. 75% off RRP. I might aswell have punched the security staff and ran out with them, they were that much of a steal.

So when the L.A.M.B. shoes started to drop onto the TK Maxx webby (yes they are online!) last month, I was super happy. TK buyers sure do know how to please a girl.

I spied these gorgeous, and very on trend, L.A.M.B. booties - £108, as seen on our fave Nicki Minaj.

I know the RRP doesn't lie, they really do retail at over £300 (plus the fact that L.A.M.B. anything is still hard to find over here!) and I can't believe my dream is actually coming true. I have all my fingers crossed that the L.A.M.B. clothes line will come through soon because TK and Gwen are a RawrGirl match made in heaven and this love is serious.

J - Now, does anyone have a spare £108?


  1. I wonder why L.A.M.B hasn't been fully launched into the UK? I think it would be really good!

    I do love this boots! Perfect for A/W months :D I hope that you get them.

  2. It was in the major dept stores years ago but it never really took off, which is odd considering the early seasons were the shizznit compared to now. It's in niche stores and online boutiques here now but hmmm, I miss the old days. If TK gets the clothes though I will punch dance into the night with joy, hurrah!

    And yes, I need those boots! Keeping a close eye on them for sure!

    Mwah J x


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