Review - Soap & Glory Men's Range - phwoar!!

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

The lurrrrrrrvely people at Soap & Glory were kind enough to send us some bits and bobs from their men's range, for the lucky men in our life to review!

As you all know, we're big supporters of S&G, so were super excited for our men to sample their awesome-ness.

This gorgeous man belongs to me, T ;)

First up - Dry Hard Brute-Force Anti-Perspirant Spray for Men - £3.49 - 200ml.
This smells SOOO darn good. It definitely got the nod of approval from me and the man in my life said he rather liked it too. The most important test? Does it last 24 hours!? WELL we didn't quite give it the FULL 24 hours but be assured that my boy's underarms remained dry ALL day long, which is pretty impressive, considering men are sweaty little things :O Also it only costs £3.49 which is an ABSOLUTE bargain. The packaging is quirky and fun. We thought it was fab!

Next up, A Shave To Love Shave Gel - £3.99 - 150 ml.
My boyfriend happily volunteered to be shaved in order to test this product. Again, it smells great. I would say it has a bit more of a 'typical' man smell to it unlike Dry Hard. It's quite a thick gel that lathered well. It left his skin feeling silky smooth and kissable ;) He particulary liked the cooling sensation & said he definitely prefers this to foam! It's a big thumbs up! Boys use this if you want the laydeez to say HELLO! ;)

The next product was reviewed by my 15 year old brother because he's spotty and well...our boyfriends aren't! ;) Knock Your Spots off Spot Fighting Gel! - £5.99 - 10 ml.
So he's been using this for a week now. His spots have been drying up/shrinking rather nicely! So much so, that he now officially has a date for his prom. Thank you Soap & Glory and well done little bro ;) This is one mean spot zapper. He's tried so many alternatives and this one really seems to work. We're all pretty impressed! :D £5.99 is a small price to pay for great skin & added confidence!

So, J here, and I'm bringing my man into the mix now, say hi!

First up for us was the A Man's Got To Dew Facial Moisture Balm - £5.99 - 50ml.
My man has never used a face moisturiser before so he took some persuading to give this a go but after just a week, you would think he had always pursued a cleansing routine that Glee's Kurt would be proud of! It smells erm, masculine! Similar to a forest fresh shower gel scent so it doesn't make them wrinkle their manly noses up at it, which is a good start! It claims to be an 'instant anti-stress, special post-shave facial moisture balm for men. With a new anti-fatigue formula and engineered with special Razor Burn Repair Soothing System' - all of which is crazily true! He said his skin felt instantly cool and comfortable on application so I went in for a cheek stroke and it was also very soft, but non greasy, which is important because hey, it's not just us girls that want to be shine free! I can definitely see him nipping into Boots for another tube once this has run out, at just £5.99 it beats the likes of similar products from Loreal, Clinique and Boss et al (while he's there maybe he can get me a tube of Hand Food seeing as he is the one who uses it all - S&G PLEASE make a hand cream for men asap!) :D

So, finally we have Soap'er Man Hair & Body Wash - £3.49 - 250ml.This is an all in one hair and body wash featuring the 'babe magnet' fragrance (aww)! S&G recommend using this at least once a day to keep us girlies sweet lol! My man liked the smell (again, similiar to a forest fresh type shower gel), said it felt nice on his skin and he liked the cool tingling sensation which comes from the refreshing menthol boost, especially in the hot weather or after playing sports, but it did feel quite sensitive on certain erm, areas, ahem. This is probably a matter of personal taste, a lot of people, including myself, love a bit of tingle all over ;) It hasn't stopped him using it all week though, so it can't be that off putting for his delicate bits bless!

Overall, our guys loved the bits they sampled! The packaging is bright, fun and appealing and makes a change from the usual sports or metallic tubes and bottles men usually have thrown at them. The smell throughout was cool and really refreshing, not overly musky like a lot of mens grooming products thank god! You can't argue with the prices of these products either, you get a lot for your cash which is good for us girls with a more heavy handed man in her life (SQUIRT, DOLLOP, SQUEEZE - you know what I mean ladies!). So, lots of thanks to Soap and Glory for introducing our men to their lovely new range, we all had a lot of fun testing them out!

The men's Soap & Glory can be purchased from Boots, the mothership Harvey Nichols or ;)

*These products were given to us for review purposes but all opinions are our own. The product images are credited to Soap and Glory, with thanks!

The Style Rawr loves you little S&G!


  1. Wow, amazing, great. They look great.

    And the products don't look bad either


  2. LOL! They're cute aren't they? And the products too ;)

  3. Focus BF, focus! I know it's difficult with our men AND the beautiful Mr Olyphant all on one page! ;)

  4. Sigh. I love soap & glory products.

    Goes back to read words and not just look at pics. X x


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