2018 - The Year of Doing (ALL the things)

Monday, 22 January 2018

Oh hello little space on the internet. My break wasn't an intentional one, sometimes life and fun can get in the way of writing words and documenting daily style.

I made a promise to myself I'd rekindle my love for blogging and share more in 2018. The only thing is, my birthday is shortly after Christmas and the socialising hasn't really stopped, until now. Getting back into the swing of work after a few weeks off has been a chore, which is why I've been protective of my weekends. It's also rained A LOT recently. Why do the downpours only seem to happen on my days off?

We went to Stockholm for my birthday, which was wonderful. It's a real melting pot, the Swedes have a genuine appreciation for art and the locals don't take themselves too seriously. Fika is also my new favourite thing. When I spent time in Copenhagen, I noticed the stylish locals mostly wore black and grey, but in Stockholm they embrace colour and kooky style. I'm hoping to write a post about it, but I said that about the Canadian Rockies and four months later, that still hasn't happened... Sorry Amy.

Yumi Faux Fur Jacket
Eclectic Eccentricity Voyager Aura Quartz pendant
Nike Air Max Zero Womens
Bristol Autumn Style
Yumi Faux Fur Jacket

Jacket: Yumi - Necklace: EE Jewellery - Trainers: Nike

I don't really believe in New Year's Resolutions but I am determined to say yes to more this year, and to DO more. I was inspired by absolute babe Keri when I read her post on resetting intentions and I already have a few exciting things planned for 2018. 

Working within social media/travel means I'm constantly dreaming of jetting away. Sam has said 2018 is the year for saving, but we're still going to Singapore in May and hopefully Budapest & Slovenia in September. I am planning to be better with my money this year, shout out to J for buying me a book on budgeting, but 2018 is also going to be about living. I don't need new clothes (only saying this because I received ALL the clothes for Christmas/my birthday) but I do need to see new countries and experience different cultures. Ah wanderlust. Once a traveller, always a traveller.

So it's official, 2018 is the year for doing and saying yes more often. Now as I'm a new woman who is all about action, I can confirm my first post on Canada will be live by 29th January. 

Promise the photos are worth it. -T 

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