Amethyst Rose Quartz Hair with JOICO Color Butter

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

I had my hair professionally ombre'd in January this year. It was initially a caramel blonde and I loved it, but as the summer went by I did my usual thing and got a tad bored so I started dipping the ends in various pink and peach wash out dyes. I was happy with the results I was getting, until I was introduced to the fab JOICO Color Butter, a super nourishing colour booster for pre-lightened hair that sticks around for up to 10 washes, all the time reducing breakage up to 44% and promoting strong, glossy locks. Hurrah!

JOICO Color Butter review

Not gonna lie, it looks super scary in the pot, but it couldn't be easier to apply (gloves on and basically just rub it on) and I have perfected my technique in 3 applications over a few weeks. You can apply it to dry or damp hair, and I've found that damp works best for me because I'm looking for a lighter colour than what is in the pot. I throw my head over the bath so the length of my hair is dangling over and I can see it, then I just slather the butter onto my hair. This method works better for me than the standard part hair into bunches and rub it in over your shoulders. And here's the best bit, it take FIVE MINUTES to do it's thing. 5 minutes?! Amazing. 

JOICO Color Butter review

At first I just tried Color Butter Pink, which produced a lovely warm rose tone, then on my next try I was a tad more confident and added a bit of Color Butter Purple in there, which has created this beaut amethyst/rose quartz effect. What do you think? My ends definitely feel healthier too as it's like a conditioning treatment. Color Butter is also free from peroxide, ammonia, MEA and PPD so there's no worries about basically killing your hair dead and having to go to your salon crying to your stylist because you need a pixie cut. PHEW.

JOICO Color Butter review

JOICO Color Butter review

I'm not going to reference unicorn hair because it's DONE, but look at that lilac pick out amongst the pink, gotta be impressed by that babes. This is quartz hair, we're going mineral now ladies.

JOICO Color Butter review

JOICO Color Butter (c/o)

So do I recommend giving JOICO Color Butter a try if you have lightened blonde bits? Yes, yes I do. Get your hands in those pots and get creative. It defo washes out, and can be given a bit of a push with a clarifying shampoo if necessary, so don't be scared of it. A 177ml pot is about £15 from online stockists like Gorgeous Shop, give it a whirl.

J xoxo

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