Grey Leopard and Studded Leather

Monday, 16 October 2017

GREETINGS. Yeah, that's right. I'm back atcha with another style post from the streets of Bristol. I've rekindled my love for blogging and I'm here to stay... So get used to the frequent updates.

Last weekend was unusually warm, and rumour has it, the weather is going to be beautiful this week. Thank RPattz. Despite the heat, I couldn't resist throwing on my favourite Senso boots (inspired by Amy), my new leopard sweater, some gothic-esque jewels and this studded Dr Martens satchel. I'm pretty sure this is my favourite bag of ALL time. It's extremely hard wearing and still looks brand new even though it's five years old. I absolutely need to put on the matching boots sometime, because they are equally as awesome and deserve an outing.

Bristol Style Blog

Studded Dr Martens Bag
Senso Studded Boots
Casual Autumn Style

Jumper: Old Navy - Jeans: River Island - Necklaces: Bjorg & Blue Bayer - Bag: Dr Martens - Boots: Senso

My leopard sweater was a bargain I picked up from Old Navy in Canada. They are part of the same group as GAP and Banana Republic, so I'm not sure why they haven't made it to the UK yet. Speaking of Canada, I will definitely be writing about my trip - I just need to get round to sorting through my photos! Banff is insanely beautiful and I keep putting off looking at the snaps as I know it'll make me feel down haha.

We're half way through October which means it's pretty much December. I've started thinking about what I'd like to add to my Christmas wishlist and I'm tempted to ask for some more Bjørg (standard) or some Blue Bayer NYC. I've probably got more wear out of these two necklaces than any of the others I own, so asking for something similar might be a good shout. 

What's on your Christmas wishlist?

P.S My mum took these photos! Didn't she do well? Thanks momz, you rock. - T

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