Mermaid Tail Blanket With Octer

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

We were recently introduced to Octer, a multi-channel shopping platform that allows you to search for items and view all possible retailers at the same time, so you can compare prices and variations all in one place without having a ton of tabs open. There's also an option to view only sale items, ideal if you're after a branded item that could be in multiple stores. It's nice to see your options next to each other and you can save them for later too. Octer is ideal for mobile shopping on phones and tablets, but also totally works on your desktop too. 

I really like how Octer only uses top UK stores, meaning you won't get any dodgy items from eBay or pesky Asian sites skewing your search results. Soz aba me but if I want to search eBay for something then I will search eBay, you know? Google, I'm looking at you here. I'm looking for trustworthy stores with good quality and fast delivery, so Octer's search facility was perfect for me. After getting familiar with the site I decided to test it out on something I've wanted for a while but had no clue about how many retailers were potentially out there, a mermaid tail blanket! 

I typed 'mermaid tail blanket' into the search feature and there they all were, mostly on Boohoo, but a couple on ASOS and New Look too (I did NOT know New Look sold them?!). Anyway, ASOS was the obvious choice for me despite being the most expensive. I'm a points collecting A-Lister and can't live without my unlimited next day delivery, so I clicked through to their Club L Night Mermaid Blanket in Green at £32, and ordered straight away. 

And here it is! I have to say, the quality is top notch and I'm glad I 'shelled' (geddit?) a bit more out on it. Call me a snob and a half if you like, but the Boohoo styles looked a bit thin to me, more glitter and fun than warmth and substance. Anyhoo, what is it like? It's weighty, definitely a snuggler, though obviously there's only room for one person in it! Also, I was surprised that the fins were open, as in it's not a closed 'tube' that you slide into. On the plus side, this makes it easier to jump up and get another biscuit for your cup of tea without taking it off, but on the down side it means there is potential for cold feet. It totally looks the part though doesn't it? I can't imagine any girl not wanting one of these, it would be the perfect Christmas gift!

Blanket - ASOS c/o Octer

Mermaid Tail Blanket review

Mermaid Tail Blanket review

Mermaid Tail Blanket review

Mermaid Tail Blanket review

Isn't it beaut?! I can't recommend it enough, so if you're on the fence about buying one for yourself or as a gift I hope this review has pushed you off it! Why not do the same search I did on Octer? It's pretty addictive though, I put a few already purchased Christmas gifts through just to check they weren't cheaper elsewhere :S They weren't thank god, but it's a slippery slope so probably best to stick to future purchases! ;)

J xoxo

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