Tribe Perfume

Monday, 17 October 2016

I was SO excited when I found out that my nineties teen fragrance of choice, Tribe Perfume, had been revamped and re-released! Seriously, this scent pretty much accompanied every major moment in my teen girl life from around age 13 to 16, and even when it was discontinued and I moved on to a more 'grown up' fragrance, I still held fond memories of it for years to the point of feeling maje nostalgic excitement at the thought of smelling that fresh combination of fruits, flowers and vanilla again (yes, it was literally something for everyone) - squeeee!

What does the nineties mean to you? If you were actually around to see the original rise and fall of Take That, Chipie trainers, 'Babe' crop tees and Just Seventeen, you'll no doubt include Tribe Perfume in your list. It was a rite of passage, a nod to approaching womanhood in a time when fortnightly teen mags like J17, Mizz and More ruled your life (literally, with a Just Seventeen Yearbook which was your BIBLE), Kate Moss was so normal she could've been your best mate, getting plastic surgery at 17 just didn't compute, taking photos of you and your mates was done on an endless supply of disposable cameras, and famous people were actually famous for a reason. Life was good. I have such fond memories of the nineties for so many reasons, and they were all brought whizzing back with one spray of Tribe - hurrah!

Tribe Perfume

Tribe Perfume

Tribe Perfume

Tribe Perfume

The recreation is true to the original and smells delicious, there's no real way to describe it, you just have to smell it! Like the original, it has staying power and lingers on the skin all day. I'd be in my element if they did a matching shower gel or body lotion. Or even BODY GLITTER LOTION?! The bottle is different to the original, which was a twisted version of this, but I suspect this is a bit of a test to see if it takes off. I've told most of my friends and every single one of them remembers it, and just a mention of it always sparks off the best convos about River Phoenix, Miss Selfridge and who copped off with who behind the shop that summer. Good times :)

Tribe is now £24.99 for 30ml (that would've been the price of a small Chanel No.5 back in '93. Probably) and worth every penny. It would make a fab Christmas gift for us chicks of a certain age (if you need to test the water I would suggest asking a girl who she fancied in Take That, if she says Gary over Mark and Robbie, she's clearly too young) and I hope it's back for good this time (PUNS)!

J xoxo

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