Cambridge Satchel Company: The Mini Satchel

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Confession time. I have quite a few bags. I may have a large drawer which is full of them, but I tend to use the same one or two every week. Typical, right? Within my handbag collection, I have a selection of satchels, the cutest being this Mini Satchel from the Cambridge Satchel Company.

UK Style Blog

Bristol Fashion Blog
Cambridge Satchel Company Mini Satchel

Jumper: River Island - Jeans: MinkPink - Bag: Cambridge Satchel Co.

Gifted to me by Jade, this adorable little bag is the perfect size for shopping trips in Bristol! At the weekend I headed to Clifton to browse the shops, making time for tea and cake. I love walking around Clifton village, my latest routine is to hit up all the charity shops for vinyls. I genuinely get so excited whenever I spot some Motown or Jazz haha.

In other news, is anyone else crazy for Stranger Things!? Oh man. I need season 2 already. Speaking of awesome THINGS, Jade's wedding is just over a month away and I can't wait! She's in full on planning mode but Sam & I are mega excited and counting down the days. We're going to tear up that dancefloor.

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