Best Man Gift Idea from Fraser Hart

Saturday 16 April 2016

Today we're chatting about choosing gifts for your Groomsmen and your Groom's lieutenant, the Best Man. Do you let your man take it on and end up with his party all clutching bags of PS4 games and Fosters at your wedding breakfast, or do you let him off and handle it yourself (like everything else)? Mmhm, thought so! 

You want it to be something shiny they can 'keep', so the obvious and most popular choice is cufflinks, but not every man has the opportunity to wear them often (I know Tim wears his once in a wedding or christening) so what other options do you have when shopping at your fave jewellery store? I was surprised to see a lot of swanky yet affordable options at Fraser Hart, because my first thought was great, we're probably going to have to fork out for watches, but nuh uh! I very quickly spied their Hugo Boss range of stationary, pens and keyrings and remembered that my mum gave me a silver Moschino keyring when I was 18, and I still carry it on my keys today - perfect!

This is the Hugo Boss Grid Keyring (£45), stylish and gift boxed, it's the perfect occasion gift for your groomsmen and falls perfectly into our budget. I love Tim's friends but I don't really wanting to be dropping more on gifts for them than on my bridesmaid's dresses! It's weighty, masculine and actually useful, plus every time they get their keys out they might think of that fun time we all had together :)

Boss Keyring c/o Fraser Hart

Fraser Hart Weddings Hugo Boss Keyring Best Man gift ideas

Fraser Hart Weddings Hugo Boss Keyring Best Man gift ideas

Fraser Hart Weddings Hugo Boss Keyring Best Man gift ideas

Do we come up with the best ideas or what? I showed this keyring to Tim and it got the nod of approval - SOLD! I also considered a set of the Hugo Boss pens for the boys, starting at £49 each, they're just as useful and cool to give as a special gift. 

To check out these ideas and many more, get inspired on the Fraser Hart Weddings Guide, covering everything a busy bride needs to sort out the sparkling side of the big day!

J xoxo

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