Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Dr. Bronner is one of those brands that I have spotted whilst out and about but have never tried, so when the offer came in to sample the range I quite fancied it! Peppermint is one of my fave scents, especially in the bathroom, it's so refreshing yet calming at the same time, so I couldn't wait to try some of Dr. Bronner's Peppermint goodies.  

Dr. Bronner Peppermint review

Dr. Bronner's Peppermint products are made with organic peppermint oil, is ethically sourced and cruelty free. Peppermint oil is known for it's healing abilities, and as I've recently been hammering away at the gym, I figured it would be handy to have these in the bathroom! 

The Peppermint Leave In Hair Conditioner (£7.99) is beaut, leaving hair soft and smelling amazing. It's fab for the boys too as they can just comb it through and go (Tim rarely uses a hairdryer so this is perfect for him). 

Dr. Bronner Peppermint review

The 18 in 1 Peppermint Castile Liquid Soap (£5.99) is crazy! The label really does list multiple ways you can use it, including everyday body washing, teeth cleaning, laundry, massage, pest spray and household cleaning! Say whaaaaaat?! How can it be used on your skin and also on your kitchen worktops I hear you ask? Well due to the varying degrees of dilution required, but it's perfectly safe for all the listed uses, and probably more! I am sticking to using it as a bathing product though, I like to add a couple of drops to a bubble bath for a head clearing peppermint hit, and that's really all you need so it will last for ages :)

Dr. Bronner Peppermint review

The Peppermint Organic Lip Balm (£2.69) is yummy. Probably the mintiest I've tried, and it feels super moisturising on the lips, like a jar lipbalm in stick form, so good!

Dr. Bronner Peppermint review

Finally, the Peppermint Bar Soap (£3.99), you can literally use this on anything and anywhere! Bar soaps are traditionally though of as drying on the skin and old fashioned but Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps are the opposite of that. I've been using this as a basin soap for a week or so now, using it on my face for a quick refresh, hands and even my fringe when I don't want to wash my whole head! Also, after a bit of scouting around on tinterwebs for other uses, I found out that people love this stuff for cleaning make-up brushes and sponges, so I gave it a go and I can confirm that it is insanely good. All my Real Techniques came up beaut and like new, and it was so easy. It's a bit of a legend, so for £3.99 you should defo take a peppermint punt on this!

Dr. Bronner Peppermint review

After trying the Peppermint range I now definitely have my eye on the Rose range for something a little softer on the nose. Love the packaging too, olde worlde apothecary style labels look so cool on a bathroom shelf!

Big thanks to Dr. Bronner for the intro :)

J xoxo

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