Ted & Muffy Freia Boots & Someday's Lovin

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

When I spotted these statement Ted & Muffy Freia boots last year, I knew I needed them in my life. As soon as they arrived, the hunt began for an awesome dress to pair them with. In my head I'd already decided it had to be something a boho pirate would wear... Think Gwen Stefani in the 'If I Were a Rich Girl' video.

It took a few months to find the perfect match but I decided on this incredible Somedays Lovin' dress from Urban Outfitters. Bristol has a really awesome UO store which stocks all my favourite brands such as MINKPINK, UNIF & of course, Someday's Lovin'. This floaty frock is a sale bargain (It's just been reduced again) and I thought it would look cool with my lace up boots.

Urban Outfitters Cabot Circus

Somedays Lovin Lucid Lace Dress
Ted and Muffy Freia Boots

Dress: Someday's Lovin via Urban Outfitters - Boots: Ted & Muffy (c/o)

Cabot Circus is continuing to attract more of my favourite stores and although it feels like I've been waiting 9 years, a large Victoria's Secret shop in Bristol opens next week (27th January). Freaking. Out. I know some people argue £50 for a bra isn't acceptable (there is a big mark up for the UK market) but one of my favourite VS bras is 9 years old, still looks as good as new & still fits ha ha! Cost per wear guys, cost per wear.

I want to splurge in PINK on the fun stuff and then keep an eye out for some wedding lingerie. I'm prepared to part with my hard earned cash if it's worth it.

Back to the outfit, these boots are my dream boots (and now 60% off). The expert Ted & Muffy fitters really know their stuff, I'm a 6.5 but tend to wear mostly 6's however I needed a size 40 in these with a 35cm calf width. I'm sure I'll be wearing them a lot more as the weather warms up. 

Have you been shopping in Bristol? Do you own any Ted & Muffy shoes?

T - What ye thinks, me hearties!?

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