The transition from winter to spring always has me finding my feet again. As per I wasn't afraid of a bold print. Tim and I were scouting for a wedding location around this time, and I think it was March when we decided on Chester Zoo. The weather was just starting to warm up and the Warehouse suede fringed boots of dreams were en route to replacing the Whistles backpack as accessory of choice!
Early summer was a weird one, we didn't really see a good belt of sunshine up North, so my outfits were all over the show. Summer dresses and leather with tights were alternating every weekend, giving me fashion whiplash!
Late summer saw me give up on fake tanning my legs and put the dresses away in favour of ripped jeans and boho flares. While we're on that subject, was anyone able to successfully wear flares like this without either destroying the hems or ankle flapping?! SO tricksy! In jewellery news, I don't think I took the Mi Moneda pendant off all summer.
Autumn and winter saw the Whistles backpack reappear for a second term, proving that an investment buy is truly worth considering over fast fashion or a regrettable sale purchase. This was a rule that I definitely tried to live by in 2015 and one I fully intend to take into 2016. Winter is my favourite fashion season, I love to layer and use scarves and hats for the reason they were invented - to keep warm! Also, Star Wars The Force Awakens was on the horizon and I was really enjoying it's influence in the fashion world :)
As always my fashion year is a total mish mash of everything. I don't think I have a signature look (other than my never changing hairdo!). I dip my toe into a trend every now and again, but it's usually because I've really taken to an individual piece rather than actively seeking something out just to get with the latest look. I've had a think and come up with some fashion resolutions for 2016:
- Streamline. For realz this time. I probably don't need those 9200 jumpers and jeans that live under the 6 pieces that I actually wear on constant rotation.It's so hard to dump things that you spend money on, but sometimes you just have to cut your losses.
- Is it a bargain just because it costs less? I say this as I look at the faux fur jacket that I got all excited over in last January's sales. Yes it was 60% off, but I've wore it once through 2 winters and now I'm not even sure if I like it anymore. Not really my best work.
- Do I love it? Like, REALLY love it? I have a dress in my wardrobe that has been there for nearly 6 years and the last time I wore it was 4 years ago, but I ADORE it. It still fits and I'm certain I'll wear it again at some point in the future if the right occasion pops up. I want to feel this way about every purchase in 2016. Even basics. Which leads me onto my next point . . .
- Get a decent basics section. I despise spending money on basics because my brain tells me they're boring, but boy do I need them! More than the squad of Wildfox slogan tees that I now find super tedious, that's for sure. This is fashion priority number 1 in 2016.
You'll also see me shrinking this year as I strive to lose about 2 stone (laughs at self) in order to do my bride poses safe in the knowledge that my arms don't look like they belong on a rugby player (there is a reason you never see my shoulders in a sundress or vest on here!). I have no clue if I'll be able to reach that goal, but you have to have one, and I think it's achievable in the time I have (8 months) so wish me luck!
Thanks for having us again this year, we really love reading all your lovely comments and chatting to you guys on Twitter and Instagram. Happy new year to all you lovelies!
J xoxo
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