Disney Cheshire Cat Vans

Thursday, 21 January 2016

One of my fave Christmas presents last year was the Disney Cheshire Cat Vans that Timmy surprised me with. I'm a HUGE Chesh fan, I've adored him since childhood and he's my guy in any form basically, so when Vans released the Disney Alice In Wonderland line I went mad for the shoes and luckily my beau picked up on it. I say luckily, but it was more likely to be the constant subliminal messaging techniques I employed.

Anyhoo, they're everything I hoped for and more. I love how Vans fit and wear anyway, and to have pink Chesh on them swirling around in a psychedelic monochrome print is just a dream. Take a look . . . 

Disney Cheshire Cat Vans

Disney Cheshire Cat Vans

Disney Cheshire Cat Vans

Could they be any cooler really? I've seen the matching backpack and Eleven Paris tee knocking around but I think it might be a bit too much worn altogether unless you're at a Comic Con or Disneyland itself. As it is, they look fab paired with cropped trousers and a simple tee and leather jacket, which is probably how I'll keep wearing them until summer comes when I can wear them with cute tshirt dresses or a denim A line skirt :)

What do you think? Have you invested in any of the Disney Vans range? Link me, I'd love to see!

J xoxo

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