The Dressing Room Summer Sale Preview!

Friday, 26 June 2015

It's summertime sale time! The summer sales are in full swing and I've been doing my best to avoid them... until now. That's because Rawr girl faves The Dressing Room, are going into sale tomorrow and last week, they sent me a cheeky preview of what will be on offer!

I love The Dressing Room sales, they stock such a wide range of my favourite designers and they always offer great discounts! I was sent 3 sale items to style for a special blogger preview post, I didn't pick them but the girls always know what I like and as always, they got it so right. First up is this cat blouse by Paul and Joe Sister:

Paul and Joe Sister
Paul and Joe Sister Gattini Blouse
The Dressing Room Sale Preview
Paul and Joe Sister Cat Print

So this Paul and Joe Sister Gattini Blouse in Indigo is pretty darn epic and I can totally imagine Jade wearing it! I'm wearing the size small, the fit is relaxed and has a 70's, boho feel to it. It's really well made but the key selling point is the print...I didn't even notice the cats' faces at first. WAH. Could it be any cuter? It was £135 but will be £94 in the sale.

The second item I received was this lovely wide lace tank from Rosemunde! Rosemunde is one of my favourite Danish brands, they make such great basics and this tank feels wonderful on. I'm wearing the size small which looks TEENY when it arrives but it has a lot of stetch in it. They come in several colours but I'm wearing the vivid fuchsia which is perfect for summer. This lace vests are usually £53, but it's been reduced to £37. Bargain. 

Rosemunde Wide Lace Silk Blend Tank
Rosemunde Tank

The final item from the sale preview is this delightful Becksondergaard O-Birdy scarf! I have a cupboard full of their scarves but I don't have any that are handprinted. This one is truly special. The print is quite hard to see but it's made up of adorable birds and the colour combination is spot on. Becksondergaard's scarves last for YEARS so it was a great investment piece at £75 and an even better buy at the sale price of £45The aqua colour looks great against the hot pink, wouldn't you agree?

Becksondergaard O BIRDY scarf
Becksondergaard Handprinted Bird Scarf

The Dressing Room sale launches online and in store tomorrow, Saturday 27th June at 9.30am, with up to 50% off! This will be their best sale ever because they've added tons of new brands. If that's not exciting enough, you can use the code 'SALE10' in store and online until 1pm on 27th June for an extra 10% off the sale prices! Although I'm currently at Glastonbury, I'll be having a quick look myself because I can't wait to see what else is on offer.

I had to send all of these pieces back but I can't stop thinking about the Paul & Joe Sister blouse... I think I might have to go for it although I want to check out their full range of sale before I commit. You'll be able to shop the sale by clicking HERE, from tomorrow!

Will you be shopping The Dressing Room sale tomorrow? Which item is your favourite?

T - Blogging from Worthy Farm!


  1. Oh god, sale season is killing me because I really should be saving but these pieces are so lovely! I love the boho blouse xx

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

  2. You look so pretty in pink!! I also like the accessories, especially the cute watch <3 I really need to avoid the summer sales but do need to pick up some last minute holiday essentials so might wait it out until the end of July ha,ha! xx

  3. That blouse is so lovely, obviously it's blue so I love it more ;) and your fringe has grown out so quickly Tara, can you give me hair growth lessons?

    Lauren x

    Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Beauty

  4. Omgosh that cat blouse! ADORABLE! I love that the print is subtle and that the piece can be worn for both work and casual days :)

  5. Really love that scarf! :)

    Hope you're still collecting those £2 coins hehe!

    The Fairytale Pretty Picture

  6. Oh my gosh, I'd be too sad to send the cat blouse back because it's so cute! Their little faces are so tiny but adorable! xxx

  7. I loveee the kitty blouse <3

  8. The cat blouse is so cute! I didn't notice the cats either at first, I may have said "it doesn't even have cats on it, why's it called that?!" when I first looked at it.
    Rubi | Instagram | The Den |

  9. OMG! That cat blouse is adorable, you can hardly tell until you stare a bit more that it's cats. haha. Love it. /Madison xx

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  11. So pretty, love all of it, especially that color pink :)
    You remind me how I need to up my photo game but it's just soooo hot here in Arizona and my hair frizzes as soon as I open the door D:

  12. I love the second outfit!! Great color combination!


  13. Oh must check out The Dressing Room! I love Paul & Joe Sister, and that blouse looks great on you! xxx

  14. That blouse is super cute! Hope you are having fun at Glasto!

    Maria xxx

  15. That Paul & Joe blouse is really cute :) x

  16. I can't wait to go sale shopping! Such cute looks :) xx

  17. I love that blouse, I didn't realise it had cats on at first either! I'm not even a cat person but I think it's adorable. VERY jealous you're at Glasto, hope you're having an amazing time! x

    Josie’s Journal

  18. You look fabulous!! Loving both of these looks on you! That first top is the cutest!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  19. I love the first top and the scarf!!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane


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