Rawrgirls Review . . . ESQIDO Lashlorette Mink False Eyelashes!

Saturday, 16 May 2015

I am a huge false lash fan and reach for them whenever I fancy a bit of va va voom, but I've never tried real mink lashes before so when ESQIDO asked if I fancied trying a set of theirs I was like, errrr YEAH?!

ESQIDO false eyelashes are professional grade mink lashes, responsibly sourced from the natural shedding cycles of the mink, and sterilized to ensure that they are hypoallergenic and safe to wear. With proper love and care, ESQIDO lashes can be worn up to 25 times, so $38 for the Lashlorette style I tried might seem expensive but not when you think about the pounds per wear factor! 

They are so soft and fluffy, and super comfortable. They are obviously very full, but I still think they look really natural, as in they aren't totally uniform and shiny? Take a look . . .

ESQIDO false eyelashes blog review

They come in a luxe white and rose gold box for safekeeping, serioulsy, the whole thing just oozes quality, I can totally see why the reviews online are all like this one! ;)

ESQIDO false eyelashes blog review

If Lashlorette has a 3/5 volume level, I can only imagine what hurricanes the 5/5 Lashmopolitan would cause! I would 100% buy another pair of ESQIDO lashes, consider me a convert! 

J xoxo


  1. These look amazing! I didn't even know you could get mink falsies, great to know they're responsibly sourced though x

    Josie’s Journal

  2. They look like fabulous lashes! x


  3. They look very real! They really make your eyes look amazing too! :) xxx

  4. False lashes kind of scare me, I'm way to nervous to even try them. Those look so good though.
    Rubi | Instagram | The Den | http://www.the-den.blogspot.com

  5. Wow they look amazing. I've tried them a few times but I always get a gap between my real lashes and them. It's the same with eyeliner. Even when people try it on me they have the same problem! I must have some sort of mutant eyelid. :O

  6. These are amazing! They look so dramatic but really soft too I definitely want to try these..

    Lily xx http://beautyscreen.blogspot.co.uk

  7. these look fab!


  8. those looks real eyelashes!

    Good find, they made your eyes more beautiful!

    April of: https://beybiapril.wordpress.com

    Instagram: @aprilnunezzz

  9. Erica Lam-Henderson18 May 2015 at 01:04

    25 times! That's amazing. I'm not sure about them being real, but they do look gorgeous. I'll have to try them out, usually fake eyelashes take so long to apply and peel off. But your rocking these.. so tempting!

    Erica x


  10. Kyle Rodriguez18 May 2015 at 06:49

    Wow!!! Those lashes look so GLAM!!!! <3



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