Stylish Wedding and Engagement Rings at Fraser Hart!

Friday, 17 April 2015

A few weeks ago I was invited to my local Fraser Hart to have a look at their brand new bridal jewellery collection. I'm getting married next year, so I'm on the lookout for wedding rings and maybe an extra bridal set for work.

The Bristol Cribbs Causeway branch has recently had a new re-fit, the store is really inviting and plush, and the sales assistants couldn't be any more helpful. I was really taken aback by their vast knowledge, I honestly didn't realise diamonds were so complicated. It takes a lot of training to become a diamond expert but I now I completely understand why, I felt as if I learnt such a lot within the hour or so I spent in store - it was such an awesome experience!

Fashionable Bridal Ring Sets
Fraser Hart Starburst Bridal Set
Stylish Wedding Rings
(Shop the above cluster ring here)

I'm looking for a bridal set I can wear to work because my engagement ring is high-set and catches on everything (a disadvantage of working with your hands). Sam surprised me by telling me he bought my ring as a set so although we don't need to look for a wedding ring to match my engagement ring, I still want another set for every day use.

I tried on some absolutely rawrsome sets, Fraser Hart truly have something for everyone. How cute is the Starburst set above (the second photo)? I've actually saved my favourite for last, so keep reading to get to the big reveal! ;)

Sparkle Cut Wedding Rings
(Top & Bottom)
His and Hers Wedding Rings
(Ladies & Gents)  

If you already have your engagement ring, they also have a wide range of wedding bands. I'd never heard of 'sparkle cut' rings before, they are cut to look as if they have diamonds in them but they don't have any...Pure genius! The weird thing is, they are sparklier than the real diamond bands...Ugggh!? I think I'd buy one of those if I wasn't so into a bridal set! I also love the little ruby and diamond ring, it would be so nice to add a splash of colour.

If matching wedding bands are your thing, they have some wonderful his and hers sets and I loved the mixed metal options. I'm extremely picky when it comes to wedding bands for men, I want something very unusual so sadly I didn't find the right one for Sam, but I'll keep looking!

Brilliant Fire Diamond Ring
It's not every day you're given free reign of a jewellery store, so of course I ended up trying on some of the more expensive rings in the shop! Their 'Brilliant Fire' diamonds are skillfully cut to create the 'Hearts and Arrows' ideal cut diamond, which is perfectly symmetrical. These diamonds are beautiful, although I'm not sure how I feel about having a £12,000 rock on my finger haha! They do range in price according to their quality so you can get much more affordable rings which are extremely special. Each one comes with an IGI Hearts and Arrows Diamond Report (which is pretty fascinating in itself).

My favourite engagement ring was the pink and white diamond cluster ring I'm sporting below. I couldn't stop thinking about it! If I win the lottery I might just buy it and wear it on a different finger. Why not!? ;)

White Pink Diamond Cluster Engagement RingFraser Hart Diamond Halo Cluster Bridal Set

So time for the big reveal, my favourite bridal set was this beautiful white gold duoIt's blingy, reminds me of The Great Gatsby and is made from a combination of baguette and round diamonds. It's not *too expensive* but I still need to work on justifying it to Sam...We all know what men can be like. 

As both Jade and I have booked our venues and finally sorting our weddings, we will be posting a lot more about our plans and general wedding inspiration. We hope you're excited to follow our journeys! Within a few weeks we're planning to publish wedding content every Saturday, but for now it may still be a little sporadic. 

Which bridal set is your favourite? Would you like to see more posts like this?

T - 13 months until I tie the knot!


  1. How beautiful are these pieces? Especially with red nails, don't you think?! I love the 'brilliant fire' diamond.. simple yet elegant! xxx

    Sam | Samantha Betteridge

  2. Ah! It's too exciting! All of these rings are really stunning. I like the two simple looking rings that maybe have rubies? I like the pinkness of them! xxx

  3. I can't cope with just how incredible these rings are! I absolutely love the ruby & diamond one. Great to hear your visit was educational too, it really adds something to the experience :)


  4. Ah this is amazing Tara, let the countdown begin! I love the ring you picked at the end and the pink one too, so elegant!

    Lauren x

    Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty -

  5. These rings are all gorgeous!! I can't stop looking at them! Your favourite one is an absolute beaut, I also love the mixed metal his and hers set! Ahhh you must be getting so excited for your wedding, I don't know if I've said congrats yet but congrats! :)

    Helen xx

  6. They all look lovely!
    Rubi | Instagram | The Den |

  7. OMG trying on rings is the best hahaha!! Love the one you picked! Halos are my favorite!!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  8. Ah man, look at all the sparkles! I'm with you, that last one is my fave too...I agree, it's very Great Gatsby! I'm looking forward to your wedding posts, I'm so excited for both of you! x

    Josie’s Journal

  9. Ohh these are some serious sparkles! And I can't wait to read all about your wedding posts, how exciting!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  10. Must have been so much fun trying on all those sparkling rings! x

  11. Its so difficult to choose only one! I loved the Stardust set but I think what you chose is truly beautiful!

    I love reading through your wedding journey :)


  12. Oh my...that last set is stunning! I can't wait to see all of your wedding posts. I don't wear my rings anymore. I'm bored with them. I want to sell them and get a new set hehe x

  13. Simoni Papaefstathiou19 April 2015 at 14:58

    I loved the last set!! :) beautiful x I am looking forward to see all the wedding posts in the future!

  14. It seemed to be such a great experience! Nice selection of rings ;) x

  15. Oh my how beautiful are those rings! I loved your final pick and it's still mega expensive but totally worth it ;-) can't wait to see your wedding related posts, very exciting times for you both :) xx

  16. Absolutely love your ring choices, they are gorgeous! I love the first choice <3

    Serene xoxo

  17. I love that white gold duo too. So gorgeous! I think I love your beautiful manicure even more though - that nail polish is divine! xxx

  18. Barbara Bermond21 April 2015 at 16:54

    These earrings are beautifull, I hope one day I will wear mine :)

  19. Those rings are all stunning, I think my favourite is also the last one although I do love the pink set band as well.

  20. Well every ring is special, whatever you decide Gold, Platinum, White Gold, Modern or Vintage but, Diamonds have a world of perfect Wedding Rings.

    Diamond Engagement Rings UK


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