Next #ShoeboxJukebox Event!

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

A few weeks ago, I attended the Next Shoebox Jukebox blogger event in Shoreditch, London. Before the event, I was sent a pair of rawrsome new boots to wear to the party, along with a note from a shoe psychologist - oooh errr! ;) Mine read...

"Tara, you're very strong and determined. Being talkative and assertive helps you achieve what you want. As an extrovert, you're very outgoing, energetic and friendly. People will most likely find you with a group of friends rumbling through a shop or drinking and chatting fashion."

So basically I'm a shopaholic chatterbox. SPOT ON. I headed to London early to do some shopping (standard) and hang out with blogger fave, Steph. By the time we made it to Shoreditch, the party was in full swing! I absolutely love attending Next events, they allow me to catch up with some of my favourite blogger pals, play games and drink/eat! What more could a girl want? Except for some rawrsome Summer shoes to drool over? THANK YOU, NEXT.

Next Black Buckle Platforms
Shoebox Jukebox
The Style Rawr Winning at Life

At the centre of the bar was a 'Shoebox Jukebox' where you could win free shoes! All we had to do was Instagram a snap of our favourite shoes, then wait for their corresponding tune to play and we would flash up on the screen of the Jukebox! Winners were then picked randomly. The music was incredible, think 00's tunes mixed with the best pop music of today. I remember freakin' out when 'Nasty Girl' came on - haha! 

Next Events Yummy Food
Next Blogger Event

There were other fun activities too, including free manicures, design your own trainers and another game...Higher or Lower! The host was the wonderful Jo - an awesome guy from Next and Facebook friend for life. Sadly I didn't win on this game (Steph did though! WHOOP), but I assured Joe his Facebook friendship meant so much more, and as chance would have it, I won on the Shoebox Jukebox anyway! HUZZAH.

Next Blogger Games Shoebox Jukebox
Ellie and Gemma from Next
Next Shoebox Jukebox EventPhotos credited to Next, myself and Steph of FAIIINT.

This was one of the best Next events I've been to for a very long time. Everyone was having fun and chatting about shoes! Ellie, Gemma (shown above) and the team did an incredible jobs! Whenever brands/PR companies ask me what makes a good blog event, I always talk about previous Next events, they are just so creative and nail it every time.

Huge thanks to Next for the invite and for increasing my shoe lust list. I'll be wearing my new sandals on the blog soon! 

T - Looking forward to the next Next event.


  1. Nasty Girl, what a tune! The event looks so super fun, and the jukebox idea is brilliant - can't wait to see the shoes :)

    Lauren x

    Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Beauty

  2. Sounds so fun! What brilliant pics. I've never heard of a shoe psychologist!! Hilarious. xxx

  3. This looks like such a fun event! Next seem to get better every season! Aaw, I'm sorry you didn't win but at least Steph did! <3 xxx

  4. What an amazing event! The shoes look really unique and definitely stand out

  5. This looks like such a fun event! Next always look like they put on a good do. I think they've seriously upped their shoe game too, there's so many pairs on my wishlist right now! x

    Josie’s Journal

  6. Some of those shoes look amazing!
    Rubi | Instagram | The Den |

  7. Looks like an awesome fun event! X

  8. wow this event seems so lovely! <33
    i love those shoes!

  9. This sounds like such a fun event! In my opinion, small touches really help make an event eg the note from the shoe psychologist, the games/competitions, the cute biscuits etc - love it :)


  10. Wow, that seriously sounds and looks like one of the most fun events! Loving every pair of shoes, especially the first two. Can we have them? lol

    xx 365Hangers

  11. It sounds very interested ! Hope you enjoyed it :)

    Follow me on GFC and/or Instagram ( @hekyma ). I'll follow you back.

  12. looks like so much fun!

  13. This looks like such a fun event, who ever organised it did an amazing job!

    Em x

  14. Looks like it was so much fun! xxx

  15. A event with shoes, biscuits & champagne?! Looks like pure heaven!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  16. What a fun event!! Love that your shoes came with a note from a shoe psychologist! haha! So cute!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  17. How fun, they have great events. The shoes are cute too! <3

  18. This looks like the best event ever!


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