Nica SS15 Blogger Takeover!

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Last Wednesday, I attended the Nica Handbags SS15 press day with the rawrsome Steph of FAIIINT. I was invited to take over Nica Handbags' Twitter and Instagram pages and also got to hang out with Nica's senior designer, Nica Kim!

I interviewed Nica earlier in the year, and it was just lovely to catch up with her and find out all the gossip behind the new SS15 collection. There were some adorable new styles on display, including some super stylish mini handbags, chic clutches and lots of across body bags!

Nica Press Day SS15 Takeover
Nica Bags The Style Rawr Takeover
Nica SS15 Handbags
Nica Floral Venice Bag
Nica Black Venice Bag
SS15 Stylish Handbags
The Style Rawr Nica Handbags Spring Summer 2015
Nica Neon Satchel
Nica Handbags Cat Clutch
Photos by Steph of FAIIINT

As I was given free reign over their Twitter and Instagram, I tweeted a few of my favourite handbag styles and also interviewed Nica again! She's one of the cutest and most talented people I've ever met and is so sweet and bubbly. Here are two of the questions I asked (but you can use the #NicaBTS hashtag on Twitter to read more):

The team gifted me a beautiful bag as a present for attending and I chose the Melena mini bowler bag, which I featured in my previous outfit post. There was another EPIC surprise in store for both Steph and I...Nica Kim is going to name some AW15 bags after us! Waaah!! :O I was absolutely shocked and gave Nica the biggest hug. I told her how I always get excited whenever I see Nica bags in a store, she seemed really touched and said she just loves seeing girls wearing them.

I feel completely honoured that I'm going to have a bag named after me. As there was already a Tara bag a few years ago, it's actually going to be called my most personal nickname...Which you'll find out next year! ;)

Have you heard of Nica Handbags? Which style bag is your favourite?

T - Huge thanks to the Nica team for letting me TAKE OVER! <3


  1. I absolutely love the black frame bag with the mock-croc flap - very chic <3

    It's SO amazing that they're naming a bag after you!! Can't wait to see what the name is :)

    Becky ::

  2. Eep - that is so cool! Looking forward to seeing your namesake handbag next year :) I adore the little foxes on the bags - so sweet <3 xx

  3. That is so amazing Tara! Congrats! I love the blue and white printed satchel bags, super cute :)

    Lauren x

    Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty -

  4. Oh WOW that's SO exciting!! Can't wait to see your bag. My fave is the clutch you're holding in the last pic x

    Josie’s Journal

  5. The clutch looks so beautiful! x

  6. Some amazing bags! I love the clutch!

  7. I love all the kitty latches! :) So super exciting that you'll have a bag named after you!! X

  8. You look so fabulous in a Fedora T, I'm so jealous. Looks like such an amazing event, as if you're going to have a bag named after you! How cool!!

    Megan xo
    Thumbelina Lillie | UK Beauty & Fashion Blog

  9. The cat clasps are the cutest things ever! And so cute of Nica to name bags after you, that's amazing! xx

  10. Those cat clasps! Inspired! So much love.

    I can't wait to see the Tara and Jade bag!

    Em x

  11. Thank you for the intro to the new collection! Looks really sweet. By the way, the tote bag you liked in the gift guide is available, I double-checked the site and the link, just in case. :)

  12. I'm gonna sound like everyone else who has commented previously but the cat clasps! The neon with cat clasp! Nisa used to be stocked at Topshop when I worked there and I never thought it was anything special - this has deffo changed my mind :)

    Faye x

    i wish i could wink

  13. Oh, that lovely little bag with the cat detail is so perfect!!! I'm in love!Eszter

  14. This is so exciting, the designs are stunning and I can't believe you have a bag named after you - what an amazing tribute :D xxx


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