Think Pink With Faux Fur and Fluff!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

We couldn't be more excited for the return of faux fur this season, and it's coming back better than ever with so many styles and colours to choose from! T is on the hunt for some beautiful petrol blues but I'm erring on the girlier side with a touch of pink, so here's my fluffy candy wishlist! Santa baby, slip Unreal Fur under the tree, for me, I've been an awful good girl . . . HONEST ;)

Pink faux fur fashion bag shoes hat scarf coat Unreal Fur

Pink Faux Fur Tote Bag - £34.99 from New Look. I love the dusky baby pink of this bag, it manages to be feminine and fluffy with being *cringe* CUTE. 

Skinny Dip London iPhone 5/5S Faux Fur Pink Case - £18 from Spoiled Brat. This has Cher Horowitz written all over it, so like, I totally need it, obviously.

Candy Blossom Faux Fur Coat by Unreal Fur - £195 from Topshop. THERE ARE NO WORDS. 

Shrimps Ivana Striped Faux Fur Scarf - £175 from Net-A-Porter. It's like having the Cheshire Cat wrapped around your neck, which is perf because we're all mad here.

RABBIT Faux Fur Fluffy Sandals - £58 from Topshop. Toppers is killing it with the fluffy stuff this season, and these are the perfect party shoes! They're currently sold out though so eyes peeled ladies!

Light Pink Marabou Feather Beanie Hat - £13 from River Island. Top it all off with a pink poof. 

With pink faux fur, you can use it sparingly, as in one piece per outfit OR just take it to church and use several different shades on top of each other for a more in your face high fashion look. I wouldn't bother trying to match the shades, there's simply too many to make that work and it can all look a bit Paris Hilton, but not hot. I'm going to get a few awesome pieces like the bag and a coat, and just treat them like they are black to get the most wear out of them - ta daaaaaa!

What do you think? Coloured or traditional faux fur? What are you hunting for?

J - Pink. It's my new obsession.


  1. I am so happy that you are already making christmas references!

  2. OMG, love all!!! So lovely, they make me happy ! xx Eszter

  3. OMG!!! its so pretty! I love the pink colour its one of my favourite.. Especially the furry fabric is so cute.

  4. I hope you get that coat! Look at how fluffy it is! xx

  5. I just love the heels and coat :) very pretty shade for A/W too!! xx

  6. I love the beanie, everything on here is just so stunning though x

  7. I'm not a huge fan of pink clothing, but I do like that hat.
    The bag is nice too, but I'd be too worried about it getting dusty to buy it.
    Rubi | The Den

  8. Zandra May Grimshaw25 September 2014 at 15:30

    Ahhh this trend is too cute! I'm liking pink at the moment :) the beanie and sandals <3

    Zandra // AZTEC DOLL Fashion &
    Beauty Blog

  9. I loooove everything fluffy at the moment - even better when it's also colourful! I love all of these but that coat is my favourite!!

  10. I am not normally a pink person but I love this shade! I will definitely be buying that River Island hat :) I hope you have had a lovely weekend xx

  11. faux fur is amazing <3 i really love it. so fluffy <3 and pink!? genius!

  12. Not even kidding, I would wear all of that! I particularly love the coat and I have been tempted on numerous occasions to glue pink feathers to my shoes!

    Em x

  13. crystal globe award trophy24 November 2014 at 03:15

    You always find the most beautiful locations for your photo shoting.. like this time! I love your gorgeous dress. With this long wonderful legs you can wear what ever you want! The sandals are great.. perfect to the dress! love you post


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