Get Some Dove Colour Confidence!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Rawrgirl bathroom shelf regular Dove has recently partnered with fashion designer Olivia Rubin to encourage women to ditch the trusty blacks and greys and inject more colour into our wardrobes this summer! 

Dove recently conducted a poll* to celebrate a campaign for their new Dove Invisible Dry deodorant and discovered that a huge 48% of UK women wear just 2 colours a day, with a third sticking to black, grey or dark tones. 30% of women said that black clothing is a way for them to hide or not draw attention to themselves. Personally I follow the belief that black is sexy, and therefore brimming with confidence, but I can see why some women might think the opposite. Anyhoo, it turns out that the top 5 colours that women most associate with confidence are:

1. Red (OBVIO).
2. Hot Pink.
3. Purple.
4. Black (int-er-est-ing).
5. Blue.

I think that these colours are the old skool confident boosters though, from a time of shoulder padded suits and lycra bubble dresses. I agree more with Olivia Rubin who says, 'Colour need not just be about the brights. Dig out the candy floss pink, sky blue, mint green and pale lilac and wear with winter greys or black opaque tights for a touch of spring all year round. Pastel colours are a great way of injecting some colour confidence into your clothes without going outside your comfort zone.' And with those pearls of wisdom I present to you MY idea of a colour confident outfit, as sponsored by Dove . . .

Outfit: Pink Dress - Jovonna at Topshop, Rainbow Cardigan - Topshop, Mint Green Shoes - Topshop, Pink Bag - BANK, Mint Green Sunglasses - c/o SunGod.

Dove Colour Confidence outfit post Topshop Jovonna Team Player dress festival cardigan mint green shoes rose gold bag SunGod sunglasses uk style and fashion blog
Dove Colour Confidence outfit post Topshop Jovonna Team Player dress festival cardigan mint green shoes rose gold bag SunGod sunglasses uk style and fashion blog

Yep, I'm a candy coloured treat for the eyes! I felt really confident in my hundreds and thousands rainbow unicorn hair cardigan, sugar dipped accessories and this cute pink dress emblazoned with my initial on my chest like some sort of cupcake themed superhero! This is my kind of colour confidence. I'm a girl through and through, so you better believe I'm taking advantage of my femininity - RAWR!! 

Dove Invisible Dry deodorant is now proven to leave no marks on 100 colours, liberating wardrobes everywhere this summer. Join me and show your colour confidence and upload a colour embracing snap of yourself to Dove Colour Confidence before 27th June for a chance to win some amazing prizes! 

J - Rainbow Connection.

*Research conducted by OnePoll amongst 2000 British women in May 2014.


  1. That cardigan is fab!!! It's like hundreds and thousands on your shoulders! <3 xx

    Little Miss Katy | UK Lifestyle and Fashion

    1. It's HELLA fluffy though, I'm leaving a trail of rainbow on every dark piece of material I pass! :)

  2. You look great doll. Keep in touch.

  3. You look awesome Jade, I adore your shoes x

    1. Thank you doll! I like them too but they are currently not liking my heels - ouch! ;)

  4. wow this sweater is awesome!

  5. I wish I had the confidence to wear more colour! LOVE that J dress though, I want! x

    Josie’s Journal

    1. Josie you need it! It comes in a beaut navy too ;)

  6. I'm a big fan of mixing and matching colors so I totally love this look!! Very fun and eye-catching <3

  7. So obsessed with the color scheme of this outfit. We love nothing more than candy colored everything for summer.

    xx 365hangers

    1. Thanks! The cardi brings it all together I think :)

  8. This is a pretty pastel outfit :) I'm also one of those people who associate wearing red projects an image of confidence.

    1. I think you have to be confident to wear any bright colour really, especially blocked, but it's fun to play with to find your comfort zone :)

  9. This is so cute! I love the cardigan, the colours are amazing! xx

    ☾ Liquorice Pearls ☾

  10. I love your dress and sandals - in fact, I love everything about this outfit! Pink totally suits you! xx

    1. Thanks Carly! I used to be obsessed with pink as a teen but I hardly ever wear it now so it's nice to get my Baby Spice on again ;)

  11. I personallly adore colour so that cardigan is perfect to me. Love the sunglasses as well.

    1. Thanks Madison! Love your name too by the way! X

  12. I love this outfit! All the colors are absolutely amazing ;) Love your blog so much, btw!
    Those sunglasses look so killer on you ;)
    Hope you're having a lovely Tuesday!!xx

    ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ GIVEAWAY ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

    Creme de la Chic

  13. llove it gorgeous! Im so black meehh xx

  14. Love your shoes. If you described them they so wouldn't work, but they are so stunning!

    Belle ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  15. Loves it! xx

  16. Ohh really interesting!! I must admit I am a sucker for black and neutral tones but when it comes to colour, I used to always love wearing red when I had black hair but now that I have red it seems to clash more and not look so great :( so I lean more towards mints,blue and green tones as these compliment more... I really love that cardigan it looks perfect for summer and how light it is :) xx

  17. Wow I love all of these colours! The combination is so nice! Great styling girl ;) xx

  18. Hooray for hot pink being a confidence booster! I love pink and colourful outfits. Your Jovanna at Topshop pink dress looks lovely. I love the contrasting complementary colour combination of your dress with the mint green outfit pieces and rainbow unicorn hair cardigan.


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