Competition! Win 1 of 2 Sticky9 Instagram Magnet sets!

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Now we like a bit of Instagram, but some people have a knack for making those tiny little square pics into something really special, and my man is one of those peeps. Yep, @Timbeseen enjoys toy photography and shares his work on Instagram, and I have to admit he's pretty darn amazing at it, so when Sticky9 asked if we wanted to review a pack of their Instagram Magnets (usually £9.99) and give a couple of packs away in a competition, I knew what I had to do . . . 

It's so easy to create your set, just sign into your Instagram account so all your pics pull through to the Sticky9 webby, choose your 9 favourites and checkout! It's literally that simple. Standard international shipping is free, and the finished result is really good! Now I can display his work on the fridge like all the best works of art :)

Magnets c/o Sticky9. 
Images c/o @Timbeseen on Instagram - feel free to give him a follow! Tim gives life to action figures and toys with clever set ups, creative scenes and top notch backdrops.

We have 2 sets of Sticky9 magnets to give away to 2 lucky Instagram users! Just help yourself to the Rafflecopter entry form below - GO! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sticky9 have a 3 for 2 offer on the Magnet sets until the end of March, so if you like the look of our set and just fancy nabbing some while you wait for us to draw the winners, now is the time to do it! These guys also do phone and tablet cases which look amazing, so there's lots to get your insta-teeth into! Have fun and don't forget to share your finished fridge looks with Sticky9 on Instagram! 

Good luck Instagrammers!


Win competitions at


  1. I've just started my own IG since last Sunday seriously lol I'm a bit low technology, but I'm having fun w/ it. Btw I love Vanessa H in the previous post too xx

  2. So fun, especially since we all adore instagram so much!

  3. I mainly take photos of my pets (I have 2 dogs and 3 cats) - they're very photogenic if you can get them to stay still for long enough! x

  4. My instagram is mostly dominated by food pictures haha. I'm working on incorporating my other favourites (fashion and felines, as it happens)! :D

  5. food, family and my crafty creations

  6. I like taking pictures of everything. But I love land & city scapes the most.

    Rubi x
    The Den

  7. I'm afraid I'm a typical cringey gushing mum and my Instagram feed is full of pictures of my little boy. Or food.

  8. Food and silly things I see while out and about!

    The Awesome Lady

  9. These would be such a cute present, and mine's food, babies, fashion and more food haha !
    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography -
    Vote for my blog here !

  10. I have instagram sticks too!! :DD

  11. I love taking pics of make up lol great competition!

    A little bit Unique Blog/Bloglovin

  12. Wow, I feel really out of the loop on all of this. I don't have an account with Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, Facebook, or any of the other photo sharing services except for my Photobucket account, which I haven't logged in to in a long time. I don't think that's set up for sharing either. Anybody who has an Instagram or Pinterest or Flickr account is free to post any of the 400x400 pixel photos of me from my blogs if they want though. Sorry I won't be entering the contest but it sounds like fun. My photos would probably wind up looking like the thumbnails on my YouTube video uploads page.

  13. That's really cool! I've also seen a site where you can get your instapics made into polaroid snaps!!
    I'm going to enter, fingers crossed!

    x Stace
    tee&fame blog

  14. Ahh what an amazing giveaway! Would love to win these! My Instagram is dogs, drawings and dresses! xxx

  15. Everything & Anything - if it catches my eye, in the moment! :)

  16. I love to take pics of places I have visited.

  17. I love taking pictures in the moment, I like posed pictures but i think the unexpected ones are pure beauty :)

  18. These are actually really cool!

  19. What do you love taking pics of? family ........ l know l'm boring!!!

  20. I am a bit of a snap-a-holic and take photos everyday of everything.
    My fave at the moment is of an old fisherman sitting on a seawall mending his nets.

  21. I love photographing my face. Its all about selfies here

  22. The kids - I try to avoid having my photo taken if I can!

  23. I love taking pictures full stop! I drive my family crazy! I love taking pictures of my beautiful children, scenery, places we go, quirky things, infact, absolutely anything x

  24. I love taking photos of musicians :)

  25. i live in norfolk so we have amazing places around us to take photos

  26. I love too take pictures at whitby in Yorkshire,there are so many places that are fab to photograph the 199 steps,The Abbey,The harbour,The beach ,The old town etc I love it

  27. I love taking pics of my baking as I am always baking something for work or family

  28. These sound awesome. I take photos of everything and anything - much more fun that way!

  29. wildlife and scenery. Nature reclaiming things back.

  30. Nature ... wild flowers, hares, landscapes, the sea, seals, birds, etc .... :-)

  31. Wonderful Nature - Wind, Sun, Earth and Fire

  32. I love taking pics of people and interesting buildings

    Kel Ellen Hirst x

  33. Landscapes & seascapes.

  34. My children and general photos of family! :)

  35. My cats, crystals and flowers! :) x

  36. Mess, I don't know why, but whenever I see any mess anywhere, click I go!

  37. Scenery and wildlife on walks


Hey there, thanks for taking the time to follow and comment! Pop your thoughts here and we will come take a peek at your blog/profile too. :) T and J xo