Rawr Love For . . . Wildfox Ballroom Sequin Cardigan at Nelly.com!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

It's a highly unfortunate moment when one is Googling around for a gold sequinned cardigan/jacket, and this mother funker by fave label Wildfox pops up at Nelly.com. It's BEAUTIFUL, but then so it should be for £379.95. Whatevs, I just can't get it out of my head, it's sparkle is all I think about. BLUB!!

uk style and fashion blog wildfox ballroom sequin cardigan gold

I love the oversized-ness of it all. And the styling of it in this pic is just exactly how I'd do it, even down to pairing it with leopard print. OH THE PAIN!!!

I have considered selling my life on Ebay, and even a well planned summer of robbing banks wearing ex-US President masks with my surfer chums, but alas I don't think it's ever going to be mine. So I shall sit patiently, hoping for a half price Nelly sale sometime in the future. SIGGGGHHHHHHHHH. Are we there yet? ;)

J - When you're in love with a beautiful cardi . . . 


  1. Ahhh this is pretty amazing. I love everything from Wildfox but can never afford anything :( *weeps* xx

    Abby | Beauty and a Blogger

    1. I'm lucky to have quite a few pieces but I could never afford this! Ahh well!

  2. Love it! It looks ace with the leopard print and ripped jeans...Fingers crossed you don't have to wait long for the sale!

  3. Oh gosh that's gorgeous! I love that the sleeves are slightly longer and quiet slouchy even though its really a statement piece it looks casual too. I love it!

    Jamie-Lee | Glitter Infatuation | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog!

    1. That's exactly what I love about it too Jamie-Lee!

  4. That is AMAZING.... unique to anything I've ever seen, oh the styling possibilities :D xx

    Gemma | ˟˟ Miss Makeup Magpie ˟˟

  5. This is beautiful! I can definitely see you the entire outfit, it's so you. I'm sorry, I'm probably not helping am I haha hopefully that sale will come around as soon as! xxx

    1. BLUB!! Only messing, I have it bookmarked and I'm checking it regularly!

  6. Hahahaaa it is amazing. I'm sure it's from Granny's Closet though so will surely go into sale sooooon?

    1. You'd think right? Though I'm sure Nelly takes forever to sale, there's still really old stuff at full price :S

  7. Aha, it's gorgeous but way out of my price range! xxx

    1. I think it's out of everyone's Carly ha! Booooo!


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