Have Johnny Depp On Your Kitchen Worktop . . .

Thursday, 25 July 2013

. . . I know, I couldn't help myself. Anyhoo, my other half does the dishes in our house, but I could be tempted to dip my ladylike hands into the murky bubbles for a shot at playing with this afterwards! Cool British designer store Let It Reign presents, the To Dry For Hollywood Dishes Teatowel - £9.95!

The likeness to Jake, Johnny and co is uncanny, which means there's more than enough material here to entertain you while you transport yourself from the kitchen sink, to your LA pad with Brad!

This would make a really cute gift (as would everything on Let It Reign), and postage for teatowel orders is only £1 - hurrah!

J - Hands that do dishes.


  1. Ahhh, I could just spend a fortune on this website! Had to bookmark it for payday ;) xx

  2. I'd be rubbing my face on it, never mind the dishes!!

    Kerys | Little Bo Blab

  3. I'd rather have Joseph Gordon Levitt on my kitchen worktop.. And not as a tea towel.

  4. Your fella does the dishes!? can we trade places please? x


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