Rawrgirls Review . . . Nails Inc. Bling It On Rebel - Leather, Crystals and Skulls!

Thursday 2 May 2013

A few months ago I won an Instagram competition with Look Fantastic to win a Nails Inc. Bling It On Rebel - Leather, Crystals & Skulls set (around £25), and it's took me a while but I've finally got around to doing a little review of it!

As soon as the leather look nail polish dropped I had to have it, so winning this set with the dark red shade in it literally made me squee because obvs it's not cheap! The polish itself is Shoreditch Lane, a deep mulberry red with a leather finish, and you get 5 types of embellishments (four large silver skulls, teeny silver pyramid studs, plus 3 different sizes of black and clear Swarovski crystals) to help you create different nail art designs. Glue and orange sticks are also included. 

It was really easy to use. As always, the Nails Inc. formula went on like a dream (this is 2 coats) and dried super fast. As soon as the polish felt dry enough, I put a small drop of glue on the back of a skull and dropped it onto my thumb nail, it stuck immediately which gave me confidence so I carried on with the smaller embellishments and ta daaaaaa . . . . 

uk style and fashion blog review of nails inc bling it on rebel leather crystals and skulls nail polish nail art

Do you like it?! I left one nail free from embellishment to show off the colour and texture of the polish. The silver pyramid stud cross is probably my fave and it was super easy to arrange too. The little black cluster on my pinkie reminds me of Lady Gaga for some reason! They all feel pretty sturdy and I don't feel like I've got a huge foreign body stuck to my nails which is nice, so I guess we'll see how long they last!

Overall, fine holiday fun and a great gift idea for a nail enthusiast. I'm also loving the selection of nail products at Look Fantastic too, it's a bit of a purse bothering webby that's for sure!

J - All decked in skulls and leather.


  1. Wow this leather nail varnish looks so different!

    Love the nails, great look

    Stevie Hearts Makeup

    Stevie xxx

  2. Looks amazing!
    Fashion Ganache.

  3. I love this! love the effect too going to be trying this out for sure :-) xx


  4. This looks amazing, I love the colour!

    Maria xxx

  5. Wow! I love this. The leather look is so fresh and I love the rock look of the crystals and skulls. I want to try this immediately.
    xx M

    The Marcy Stop

  6. You won this? WELL JEL!

    Not a fan of textured nails but this actually looks good!!


    P.S - Congrats on being nominated in the Company Styles Blogger Awards. ;)



  7. I've wanted to try the leather look nails ever since I first heard of them! You've done such a good job with yours and they actually do look like leather! Really like the studs too, edgy. x



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