OH! We're Going To Barbados! A Summer Holiday Wishlist . . .

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Our T is off on a Barbados holiday in July, so the hunt for some hot swimwear is ON. Here's a few of my picks for her, because I like to treat her like a dress up doll, annnnd I'm the one who will be left at home and this is my way of getting in on the act ;)

uk style and fashion blog swimwear wishlist ted baker simply beach swimwear365 juju wildfox couture boohoo.com

1. Banana Moon Squaw Showby One Piece Blue - £74.50, from Simply Beach. This is totally Tara and would suit her figure perfectly.

2. Sannah Under The Sea bikini top - £35, and Sallii Under The Sea bikini bottom - £35, from Ted Baker. I know my girl adores seahorses and this is so pretty - we love you Ted!

3. Coronado Cat Print Bikini - £18 from Boohoo.com. KITTEH! The cute bandeau would also double up as an under vest top for day or night with shorts, purrrrrrrfect!

4. Lascana Lobster Ruched Bandeau Bikini - £59, from Swimwear365. VA. VA. VOOM. Another peach from the 365's.

5 and 7. Juju Babe sandals in Silver - £27, and Juju Maxi sandals in Green - £19, both from Zalando. We love Juju's, and the heeled ones are the perfect leg lengthening beach shoes! 

6 and 8. Bel-Air frames - £196, and Starstruck frames - £224, both from Wildfox Couture. Well, a girl can dream right? Wildfox sunnies still elude us, but they're still awesome.

Ta daaaaaaaaaa!!!! It's all so beautiful right? I love my picks, now to just get my yoga on and find a Jade size suitcase . . . 

J - Well jel.


  1. Omg, the cat bikini!!! Aaagh I love it!! Not sure about the rubber sandals though...


  2. Jelly sandals! I need some!

    Megan xxx

  3. I love that blue one piece! So jelly Tara is off to Barbados xxx

  4. Oh my god... that Cat bikini is just incredible, I can't believe it! xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  5. That blue swimsuit from Banana moon looks incredible! I love the fringe detailing and great for days you want to keep more covered up :) really want this x


  6. I am so jealous about the barbs holiday, i have been the past few years and it is just my favourite place ever, have a lovely time :)


    B xx

  7. I am ridiculously jealous about her upcoming trip! I've always wanted to go, it looks like paradise! I'm just hoping there will be lots of snaps up here when she's back so I can live vicariously through her! Haha!
    Loving the seahorse bikini & the cat one too, I so wish I had an excuse to buy some cute swimwear this year! ;D

  8. OMG CAT BIKINI!!! <3 Is it bad I have both those jelly shoes already? Wildfox sunnies are the dream!! Pray for sale xx


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