Bristol Beauty Bloggers Benefit Event!

Friday, 29 March 2013

Last night I was invited to a beauty blogger event held by the Benefit girls who work in Boots, Bristol. There were 10 of us in total and we were treated to nibbles, fizz and lots of info about some of Benefit's key products!

Fake Up by Benefit Cosmetics

The main product we were introduced to was Fake Up, Benefit's brand new hydrating concealer! Jade was lucky enough to be invited to the launch of this product so if you're interested you can read her review here. It was only released this morning but we were given a chance to play around with before it went on sale.

Sophie was the glamorous model for the evening.

Concealer is a must for someone like me, I have fair skin and suffer with dark circles under my eyes. I love the fact that this product is hydrating so wont dry out my skin! We were also introduced to It's Potent, an eye cream which may just change my life. It's supposed to fade dark circles & helps to smooth fine lines.

Check out our nibbles & cakes.

Another great product the girls schooled us on was the POREfessional (£23.50), a balm that minimises the appearance of pores. I've been meaning to try this product for a while now because I have pores the size of small craters.

We were split into three groups, given a lemon and told to draw a line around it. The girls then handed us some POREfessional which we had to apply to one side of the lemon.

Hannah from Midnight VioletsThe gorgeous Hannah from Midnight Violets.

The difference was considerably noticeable, so noticeable that I'm 100% adding this product to my WANT list. My pores might not be as large as this poor lemon's but they aren't far off. POREfessional is just what the lemon doctor ordered.

It's Potent Eye Cream by Benefit

Soon after we were allowed to try the products for ourselves, giving me the opportunity to use Fake Up (£18.50)! It felt really nice on my skin and provided good coverage. I'm hoping someone will buy this for me in June when I celebrate my second yearly birthday (haha).

After sampling the products it was quiz time! We were asked a bunch of Benefit related questions (it was a guess the product game) and because we were all winners, the girls gave us these cute samples to try:

It's Potent Sample

I'm so excited about using It's Potent (£23.50 for 14.2g). We were told it can take up to 5 days before you notice a difference so I'll report back with the results. I've never tried a Benefit foundation before so I'm also eager to test this little sample of Hello Flawless (£24.50 for 30ml).

It was then time for a scavenger hunt game aka find the Fake Up! Although I'm usually quite competitive, some of the girls were determined to win and as a result I left empty handed (booo!). Afterwards a few bloggers had their brows mapped (as a Brow Zing lover I didn't get involved) before we said our goodbyes and headed home.

It was a really fun night and I loved meeting the Benebabes and chatting to some of the other bloggers... Shout out to Hannah from Midnight Violets and the lovely Claire from Desperate Blogwife!

Have you tried any of these products?

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T - Off to use It's Potent! XoX


  1. I feel like the only blogger who didnt go to one of these things haha, super wanting this Fake up, it sounds really amazing
    Hope a blogger out there doesnt need their light shade and may be generous XD hehe

    I have a sample tube of porefessional but I havent used it yet
    Im shocked to hear it worked on a lemon! It must be damn incredible!! :O


    1. Haha, I'm also the palest shade going so I'm also available for any spares! ;)

      Oooh, you must try it and report back! I do want it but after trying my Hello Flawless sample, I think I want that more... xo

  2. This looks awesome! Cupcakes, sweets, and Benefit goodies. I also love that photo of Hannah and the lemon! xxx

    1. It was really cool! Hahaha me too, I bet it gets lots of Google hits ;) xo

  3. This sounds awesome, I do love Benefit cosmetics!

    Maria xxx

  4. I love the porefessional but I can't wait to try this concealer it looks great!

  5. I've heard so many great things about that concealer, I usually use Touche Eclat as I also have the dreaded dark circles without it thanks to being so pale, but I definitely need to give this a try. The eye cream looks interesting too, I finally admitted last week that I actually need to start buying some, I can see the start of wrinkles! Arghh! :(

    1. As lovely as Touche Eclat is, I find I need a little bit more coverage! This seemed to give that which is good. Awww, well I don't see any wrinkles on you! I had a freak out a few months back and started using anti-wrinkle cream. SOB.xo

  6. That looks like it was such a fun event! I love Benefit products, I'm always stalking their shops for the new stuff.

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog!

    Jo x

  7. This look like so much fun! xx

  8. A lemon?! That sounds really weird but if it worked on that then it must be pretty spesh! You ladies are selling this new concealer to me.. I suffer terribly with dark circles so it's def one for me to try.

    1. I know, right!? Wah I need it too dude. I need to list these products in order of priority...I used my Hello Flawless sample today loved it! Hmmm...x

  9. I had a small Porefessional and I loved it. This has made me just want to buy it again!


  10. This looks like so much fun! :) x Laura

  11. I've heard from friends that they make absolutely amazing product. Looks like such a fun event too! x

  12. Oh yes, you should definitely give them a whirl!

  13. Sounds like a fun evening! I got Hello Flawless and Brow Zings for Christmas and love them both. I'm not a big fan of foundation (and certainly not wearing it every day) but Hello Flawless is nice and lightweight :)

    1. I also love how lightweight Hello Flawless is, I always like to keep things as natural as possible, except for statement brows ha! ;) xo

  14. Wow I am so jealous I love benefit products. Benefit + cupcakes = heaven lol. Can't wait to see what you think of 'Its Potent' I want to try it!

    1. Haha so true! I'm still using it so will let you know after 5 days, fingers crossed! xo

  15. I just adore Benefit. I use their mascara and brow zing everyday. This event looks like so much fun. I bet it was good to try other products too. I've always wondered what their primer is like. Great post, lovely photos too :) x
    Heroine In Heels


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