Get Your Dr. Martens Customised For Free!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

I have some exciting Dr. Martens-related news for all the South West lovelies out there! Craft Creative will be at the Bristol DMs store customising old Doc’s for customers for free from 12 noon until 6pm, this Saturday 15th December. This is an amazing opportunity to re-vamp an old pair of your favourite DMs for zero pennies. Think studs, spikes, individual style and united spirit! The possibilities are endless. Huzzah! 

If you're feeling left out because you don't own any Docs, be sure to enter our amazing December competition so you can join the crew! We're giving one local reader (or anyone who can get to Bristol) the chance to win a pair. If you have a Facebook account it will take you less than 60 seconds to enter. We just want to see your style - no DMs required.

Let us know if you're planning to head in-store on Saturday, we'd love to admire your re-works of art! 

T -  Just what the Doctor ordered. XoX


  1. These events look so great! I need to find one in Leeds :O

  2. Oh man I wish this was happening near me! Great post ladies xx

  3. I love DMs! Love the edge they bring to an outfit, looks like an amazing event


  4. Can't wait to see everyone's creations on Saturday!

    The Octanities x


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