Boots! Boots! Stripey Boots!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

I only went and got my third pair of Jeffrey Campbell Lita's didn't I?! Annnd they are only the awesome stripey ones I've coveted for a year aren't they?! Annnnnnnnnd they were only in the Miss KL sale weren't they?! Booyah.

Outfit : Boots - Jeffrey Campbell, Jeans - Levis 501, Tshirt - Wildfox, Jacket - TK Maxx, Bag - BooHoo, Ring - Ji Ji Kiki.

The jeans are my waaaay old 501's, I bought them pre-ripped but they've just got better over the years and the boyfriend fit never gets old, especially with the chunky platform-iness of the Lita's. They just get on so well. I know it's totally bloggerific but I really do love these boots, the shape and heel height is perfect for me so I shall continue on my merry way!

Cute ring alert! I've always been a sucker for owls (even when they weren't in the cool fashion animal crew with cats, foxes and horses) so when I spied this Little Owl Ring (£6.50) from Ji Ji Kiki  I just had to have him, he's so pretty!

I think I was only going to Argos to pick up a reserved toilet seat, but you have to take every opportunity to break in new shoes right? The home of the laminated book of dreams got a flashy footwear treat that afternoon.

J - A hoot in boots.


  1. Those shoes are incredible xx

  2. eeeeeek I want that ring, so cute x

  3. Love that jacket, gorgeous outfit xx

  4. You look hotter and younger by the post! <3

  5. Great outfit! So envious of thos shoes :D

  6. You look gorgeous, I love that jacket as well as the boots! Fabulous as usual


  7. "to pick up a reserved toilet seat" This made me giggle uncontrollably.
    I love the owl ring!

  8. Ooh they do have some bargainous Jeffrey Campbells on that site don't they! Seriously worried for my bank balance right about now! Love your studded jacket too xo

    Rosie | A Rosie Outlook

  9. Life is a catwalk, dude... even if you are just picking up a bog seat. I like the stripeyness, very Burton-esque. I'm awaiting the JC Pontes to arrive from Miss KL. Very exciting indeed!

  10. Those are awesome, they look great with the jeans! x


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