Rawrgirls Review . . . Violent Eyes Temporary Eye Appliques!

Saturday, 20 October 2012

The Violent Lips team have just released a new range for eyes! Violent Eyes (£6.22 per pack) are an exciting range of temporary eye appliqués to add a pop of glitter to your peepers and I tried Jet Black Glitterati out, you know, in the name of science and all! 

Each pack of Violent Eyes temporary eye appliqués features 2 pairs each of 4 different eyeliner styles, that fit all eye shapes, are smudge proof and last up to 16 hours. You can trim them to size before application, but I didn't need to, and I found them surprisingly easy to apply! Check out the application vid before I show you the results. . . 

To be fair, it took me 2 pairs to get it right, but when I got it right, they looked AMAZING. I have paired them with an amazing pair of falsies from Stargazer and a lot of eyeliner for a pretty hot Halloween look!

 They don't even look like appliques when they're on, they are super smooth against the skin and just look like a really good glitter eyeshadow job! This is the thickest applique in the pack and it covers my whole eyelid with a large wing. A little wrinkling in the crease of the eyelid occured shortly after application but it you look down for a few minutes while they are just drying off and binding to the skin, you can keep this to a minimum. Application is a learning curve, but one I am definitely willing to keep working on because as you can see, they look pretty darn sexy!

Right now there is a 20% off Halloween discount code on the Violent Lips webby so now would be the perfect time to try these out in prep for the 31st! And I have the Rainbow ones to try yet too, and I'll be doing another look before the pumpkins come out with those so eyes out!

J - Eyes have it.


  1. Wow, these pics are absolutely amazing!
    Hey what about following each other? Visit my blog and let me know, it would be great to keep in touch!

  2. It looks amazing, wow! I'd definitely actually consider buying some as they look like you've done it yourself. :)


  3. Those are some crazy lashes!
    Erica xo


  4. These are super sweet.. I'm excited to see the rainbow!

  5. That's so cool! I want to try some mental lashes for Halloween this year x


  6. Wow!! These are so inspiring!!
    Might give it a try :)



  7. This look incredible gonna have to try!!

  8. Most people will be stoked on these looks for halloween... although I would dare to wear them out on the weekend too! ;)

    Win $50 to Modcloth at P+L!

  9. These are amazing! Definitely going to have to have a try! xx


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