Sunday Style - Wet Look, Wet Day!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Typically, Saturday was a gloriously sunny day, but I decided Sunday would be my outfit piccing day and guess what? RAIN. But this works in our favour because I get to show you my new Meltin' Pot Marcelle leather look skinnies. Silver lining and all that ;)

Tara and I love Meltin' Pot jeans because they do a mean line in skinnies, our fave style, and they fit so well. These ones are a super shiny stretch cotton designed to look like leather, and they're one of the more convincing wet look jeans I've seen because they don't have that 'glittery' finish that coated cotton sometimes has. I love the little split ankle feature too, it makes a nice change from my usual bunched up skinny problem!

The jumper is my new fave Wildfox Couture Cat Faces sweater that I bought about 2 months ago from Black Label Boutique. It's SO light and gorgeous, it cost a small fortune but it's definitely a lifetime piece so my pounds per wear calculations say it technically costs about 2p. Ahem. Black Label Boutique are a long time fave online store from USA, they have all the best brands and the best prices, plus we have our own personal 20% discount code - check the side bar!

I've accessorised with a double finger cross ring I picked up in the Dorothy Perkins sale for £1 (squee!) and this gorgeous Voodoo Rose Bracelet from The Pretty Junk. I'm a sucker for skulls and rose gold is going to be massive this season :)

The boots are my ever faithful Jeffrey Campbell Cat Lita's. Yes, I am a crazy old cat lady.

It's been a while since I've done an outfit post featuring jeans and a jumper, feels good to be back in the autumn/winter game!

J - Slicker than the average.


  1. The jumper is so cute- I love it!!


  2. Hello there sweetie!
    Great look ♥

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    Hope you're having a great evening!

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  3. That jumper <3 the bracelet too!

  4. I love coated jeans.. and you KNOWS I love that jumper!

  5. wow the jumper is amazing, so nice! <3

  6. Cute kitty jumper. I love the ribbing.

  7. Such a great post. Love your jumper!

    Have a great week!


    New post - Bonton Look!

  8. that is a lot of cat.
    the sweater is pretty darn cute though.
    Chic on the Cheap

  9. SO many cats! love it. those shoes are fab! :) xxx

  10. Very interesting. The best online store for women clothes for me is
    I have bought most of my clothes from there. Greetings!n


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