Rawrgirls Review - AKA Liquid Eyeliner!

Monday, 16 July 2012

I'm obsessed with liquid eyeliners lately after recently perfecting my flick technique, and I love this Grey Blue (£7) colour from new brand A.K.A Cosmetics.

The colour is a very pretty, well, grey blue (surprise surprise!) and as well as by itself, I also tend use it to add a flash of colour over an already applied black baseline, especially when I'm wearing false lashes as I am here (Eylure Hed Kandi Twisted Disco) to conceal any join lines :)

The consistency is really good, generally needing only 2 coats to get a firm block colour, and the brush is fine whilst managing a good sized line first time around and is easy to wield. As for durability, it pretty much lasts all day, with only a quick re-application of the outer flick required. I also like how it doesn't bleed into the corner of my eye if I attempt to line my upper lid all the way (my E.L.F liquid liner literally fills my tear duct with colour and scares the hell out of me for about 5 minutes until I've baby wiped it all out and ruined my make up!).

Overall, fine holiday fun and when my 9200 black liners have run out I totally plan to get this in black (I need to learn to kerb my addiction first) ;)

J - Fifty Shades of Grey Blue.


  1. Coooool!!!


  2. what you do here is really good, I will be back soon.

    1. Thanks Clara, that is such a sweet comment! x


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