Outfit Post: Black Milk Ribs Swimsuit & Dip Hem Skirt!

Monday, 11 June 2012

As mentioned in a previous post, I'm a huge Black Milk fan! So as well as recently getting the Galaxy Leggings, I bought the Ribs Swimsuit too.

Black Milk

I'm a bit dip hem skirt crazy at the moment & my new ribs body is perfect for pairing with my collection. I bought this skirt in Sydney about 9 months ago for about $10/15, all the aussie girls have been wearing them for yonks!

Black Milk

I've accessorised my outfit with an old H&M belt, a Jessica Kagan Cushman bangle, some Matalan worker boots, a Bjorg x UO locket & my favourite Low Luv x Erin Wasson pendant. I bought it a few years ago from Studded and Stoned & it's been seen on my main style crushes Rihanna & Vanessa Hudgens...


Doesn't Vanessa look adorable!? We own a lot of the same pieces (by chance), she loves her bling & Wildfox - just like me!

My necklace has also been snapped on Shenae Grimes, Kim Kardashian & Demi Lovato...Great minds & all that ;)

I can't wait to get my paws on more Black Milk swims, anyone with me!? - T XoX


  1. LOVE the dip hem skirt, it looks fantastic with the top x

  2. I love this outfit! I love rib cage printed things and the skirt goes perfectly with the rib body :) xx

    1. Thanks so much, you're just like me then! My whole wardrobe is full of rib tees/jumpers haha! <3 xoxo

  3. I to am a dip hem skirt obsessive, so love this look. The Rib swimm is amazing!!

    1. We can help each other with our addiction ;) It feels so good on too! x

  4. Wow, great styling! The rib top looks great with the skirt :) I'm an aussie girl and have seen this style of skirt around a lot, and you pull it off a lot better than a lot of the girls I've seen wearing them hahaha :)


  5. Amazing skirt, you have great style. :)



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