31 Day Fashion Blogger Challenge - Day 25 - A Totally You Outfit . . .

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Instead of doing an outfit pic, I decided to make a set depicting something that would be totally me if I could afford it! My style is a bit boyish; I like things loose, I'm generally never seen in a skirt, I love leather and studs and graphics, I'm not afraid of colour or clashing colours and prints, I like to be comfortable but fierce and I like unusual things. Here we go . . .

I've had my eye on the Louise Gray blue leather joggers from ASOS for a while, I have no clue why I haven't bought them yet.

The sweater is Wildfox, obvs, £80 again from ASOS. If this sales again it will be mine ;)

The shoes are Jeffrey Campbell Edea Spike, $219.95 from Solestruck. Ugghhhhhh, SO nice it's untrue! Almost worth putting out a wishlist on BBM for ;)

The bag is a Lauren Moshi canvas tote, $88 from Revolve. I love the Moshi graphic prints, but her stuff is SO expensive, but worth it if you have the dollar. I have a tee and it's super silky!

I can definitely see myself in this outfit, but it will have to stay that way SOB!!

J - Always me.

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