Friday, 30 March 2012

Tonight I'm sorting through my wardrobe (and BF's!) for items that I can take to my local TK Maxx store for donation to their amazing new charity campaign 'Give Up Clothes For Good' in aid of Cancer Research UK, to help towards the fight against kids' cancer. The campaign has been going since 2004, and has already raised a whopping £10 million, and hopes to raise a further £2.5 million this year. So once again, TK is asking everyone to clear out their closets and be a part of the biggest clothing collection ever! Check out the video below featuring some of our fave blogger friends such as the lovely Amy from Wolf Whistle!

Unfortunately, we couldn't make the event earlier this month but we sure as hellz will be getting down to TK tomorrow to donate a few items! Top of my list for donation is a hot pink GAP duffle coat, denim Killah shorts, a coral River Island dress and a ton of tshirts from BF's side of the wardrobe! And of course you have to fill the hole with something from the TK rails right? Helloooooo cream lace drop waist dress that I spied last week..... ;)

J - Charidee mate.

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