WE HEART RAIN! The Heart Umbrella from FindMeAGift!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

I was beaming when Find Me A Gift sent me this amazing umbrella for a stab at a Valentines Day gifts post, the Heart Umbrella is currently £12.99 in the sale reduced from £18.99 (so a bargain!), and comes in 3 colours; red, pink and hot pink! I took it to work last week and literally entered the office to a chorus of 'Oooooooh where is your brolly from?!' from the girls!

I took it down to the waterfront with me last weekend and had a play with it, it wasn't raining but it was a tad windy and it held it's own, whilst keeping the seagulls at bay and attracting a lot of attention from duck feeders (the trials and tribulations of blogging eh?!)! Can you believe how cute it is?

It would make a perfect addition to any Valentines Day gifts ideas for the more practical lady in your life; it's super sturdy and covers all (SO fed up of flimsy umbrella's!), really individual and very covetable! It's also perfect for a summer parasol too, especially if you bought the pink ones - for those Mary Poppins moments or a picnic in the park ;)

Check Find Me A Gift out for even more creative gift ideas, I HEART them (hee hee).

J - You can stand under my umber-ell-aahhhh.


  1. I love this brolly, its soooo perfect, not just for V day...but all year round! xxx

  2. Aw that umbrella is great!!


  3. That's too cute you would have to make sure you where under the wider part! Great for photos and to take out on a picnic in summer, good for shade.


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