Proud to Be British - Rawr for Kate!

Saturday, 30 April 2011

It wouldn't be right if we let yesterday go by without a nod to our amazing new Duchess, Kate! We both had a tear in our eyes as she made her way to her Prince, and when William told her she looked beautiful, well...BLUB!!!

The McQueen dress by Sarah Burton was understated and super chic, those who said Kate didn't have the swagger to pull off McQ surely had their eyes wiped as Sarah produced an elegant but modern creation for our future Queen :) She looked truly stunning. Kate's sister Pippa also looked amazing in her maid of honour gown! Rawr girls had major figure envy!

The kiss on the balcony sealed the deal and we all LOVED their departure in the vintage Aston Martin (SO Austin Powers-esque!), check out the plate and balloons - cute!!

Finally, Kate's evening dress was again, gorgeous. Her tumbling curls and the adorable fluffy little shrug - we die!

What a wonderful day it was. Now if Harry could just hurry up and meet a nice girl we can get another party started!

Images credited to BBC and Daily Mirror.


  1. I loved both her dresses! It was such a lovely wedding :')
    Roll on the next one!

  2. BOTH of them looked stunning! what a classic is that vintage Aston Martin shot of them leaving :)

    thank you for dropping by dears

    a new reader!

    x Lauren

  3. I defy anyone remotely interested in fashion not to have gotten caught up with the dress envy, and anyone with a heart not to have been pleased to see the day go off so well. I think they make a great pair of embassadors for the Royal family and the younger generation of the monarchy.

  4. I was glued to my TV for the entire wedding, it was amazing! I. WANT. THAT. DRESS. Alexander McQueen never fails to impress.

    xx. VLM.

  5. Amazing event!It was,indeed, the wedding of the century!Loved both her dresses!xoxo

  6. rawr post!!
    I love Kate's evening dress :D

  7. she did look lovely!

    thank you for the comment on my blog and for following :)


  8. the whole ceremony was so beuatiful! her dress was so amazing, i loved it :)

    hope you'll visit back

  9. She looked so beautiful didn't she!? :)
    So proud to be British, check out my take on the Royal Wedding XXX

  10. this was certainly a beautiful wedding! you are so right about prince harry - bring on another party!!

  11. She looked gorgeous! This dress will most definitely go down in history. She's either overly critical or overly acclaimed. But, she's awesome. :)


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