Go-Go-Gadget SPANX Super Power Panties...Part Deux!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Like J, I've always wondered if Control Pants really work! I've heard Gok go on about the importance of shapewear but I've never been sure if it would actually work for someone my size. My feelings started to change when I saw a picture of Kim Kardashian wearing a dress that exposed her Spanx...Super foxy Kim Kardashian wears Spanx!? I needed in on this.

When Tights Please told us they were sending us both a pair to review, it was like Christmas come early. When they finally arrived I could hardly contain my excitement & ripped the packet open. At first I was a bit dubious, I'd been sent a pair of Spanx that looked like would fit a small 4 year old. With one raised eyebrow, I thought 'If Kim can do it!' and shoved them on!

My Spanx-piration.

The main reason I wanted to try Spanx is because I've always been a huge fan of bodycon dresses. The only problem with being a huge fan of bodycon dresses is that I'm also a huge fan of food. There's no way I eat less if I go out for dinner while wearing one, so usually I just end up with a huge food baby- which is so uncool!

I figured the best way to test them out would be to eat a good sized meal. 2 (HUGE) Fajitas, 1 bottle of Cider (ooooh arrrr!) & 1 healthy portion of Chocolate Roulade later...


AFTER Spanx:

What a difference!?

When you're wearing them they feel like they are gently hugging you & sucking in your lumps & bumps- I love them. I have a smaller bum but most importantly, a noticeably smaller tummy! Yes, they've passed the food test with flying colours ;) I really can't believe they are only £28.

Do as the Rawr Girls & celebs do...Rock the Control Pants! I think Kim Kardashian would be proud, don't you!? ;) T XoX


  1. they really do make a difference! Looks great.

  2. looks great love how it just makes everything look nice and smooth no little lumps and bumps anywhere!

    giveaway on my blog!


  3. I just ordered some. I'm a bit bigger than both of you, but I'm hoping to get SOME result. Thanks for the heads-up!

  4. Wow what a difference they make! I love body con dresses but always stay clear, may have to invest now!

  5. Ha I love the "serious" experiment you conducted! I've been meaning to invest in some of these for ages! They work wonders!x

  6. they look great! ive never tried them!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  7. OMG :O What a difference !! I think I'll try it one day, thanks for the hint :)

  8. They really do make a difference! Thanks for sharing =)

  9. Thanks for all your comments guys!! They are magical! ;) T XoX


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