Willow Smith be STYLIN'.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

We're 100% style crushin' on a 9 year old. Willow isn't afraid to be different and we just LOVE how individual she is.

Source: 1

We've been playing her new track "Whip My Hair" non-stop for weeks now. It's so addictive and its hard to believe a 9 year old sings it. Signed to Jay-Z's label and the daughter to possibly the hottest parents on the planet (Will & Jada), Willow is sure to be the next mini-superstar.

Source: 1

She's already made it clear she'd love to work with Lady Gaga...Which would be UH-MAZING. This 9 year old has so much swagger yet also seems to be a real good kid (shock, the Smith's ROCK).

When she was on 106 & Park yesterday, she seemed genuinely touched when they presented her with her first plaque- AWWW!

Source: 1

She's admitted that her mom picks her outfits and then she decides what she wants to wear and changes parts sometimes. It's obvious Willow got her confidence from her 'rents & this is one pint-sized popstar guaranteed to take the music industry by storm.

Justin Beiber is OLD news.

Check out her incredible music video below:

We love you Willow! RAWR! T XoX

P.S I hope to dress my kids up one day.

Images credited as sourced.


  1. Jury's out for me on Willow so far for two reasons;
    1) I want her dad to be my boyf (sorry Oli)


    2) She's so slick my eyes can't take it!

  2. SHHHHHHHHHHH Lara. I completely agree with the hot dad thing but feel dirty posting it here lol! That scene in 'I am Legend' where he does those pull ups? OH MY. I'll call you daddy Will ;)

    As for her slickness? She's her daddy's girl alright 0:)

    T <3 XoX

  3. T! I feel dirty reading your comment, it's like watching Vincent make love to Felicity on the Strictly dancefloor all over again - MY EYES!!! ;)

    J x

  4. I'm off to dream about being Mrs.Smith ...


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