Sneak Peek of A/W10 Kandee Hotness!

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

If you aren't already familiar with these Kandee Shoes Blue Raspberry Dragee studded heels that we have been mercilessly teased with over the last few weeks, where have you been? These gorgeous pastel heels have been wowing every fashionista on the block! Estimated to retail at around £150, quantities will be limited so head over to Kandee Shoes now and contact them to get your name on a list!

Anyway, now the guys at Kandee Shoes have let slip a little something more to wet our shoe loving appetites for the new collection, and it is HOT! Check this bad boy out - secsi secsi patent black! It's only a prototype but it's already hitting my OMGosh I need this! buttons!

I'm kind of in love and can't wait to see the new collection, Kandee have been dropping hints of more studs and leopard print so naturally, I die! I'm hoping for a leopard print studded version of the Milky Bar Boot - ahhhhhhhh!

This is one girl who will be following Kandee Shoes all over Twitter and Facebook for updates. How else am I gonna know how much kerching I need to fleece BF for over the upcoming new season? ;)

All images credited to Kandee Shoes, with thanks!

J - Kandee Girl!


  1. will these only be available onine?
    those black studded ones are the things dreams are made of

  2. I'm not sure of their stockists, if any. The black ones are just prototypes right now but I know they are taking pre-orders for the green ones now. Apparently there are only something like 50 pairs out there up for grabs - argh!!

    I kinda think it's crazy that we haven't seen styles like these before from similar priced shoe peeps (Kurt Geiger, Kate Kuba etc), it seems so obvious now you see Kandee's samples?!

    J x

  3. I think I just passed out. Like THUD. My shoe obsessed heart cannot take such beauty all at once.
    I would... never mind what I would do for a pair! Really? A limited production run? For that great of a price? Argh. Is this a UK company?
    I think I am going to have to make my own! I may be out of luck! The green is so so so pretty too!

  4. I think I just passed out. Like THUD. My shoe obsessed heart cannot take such beauty all at once.
    I would... never mind what I would do for a pair! Really? A limited production run? For that great of a price? Argh. Is this a UK company?
    I think I am going to have to make my own! I may be out of luck! The green is so so so pretty too!


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