Help Us Win The Matalan Style Project!

Monday 19 December 2011

Soooooo, we're up for December's Matalan Style Project and we'd LOVE it if you guys would take the time to pop in a vote please!

If you're not familiar with the contest, every month Matalan give 4 bloggers £50 to create a themed outfit - lucky us huh?! The 4 outfits are then put to a public vote (oooh it's SO X Factor!)and the blogger with the most votes is crowned that month's winner, and we get a shizzy banner for the blog! The theme this month was Little Black Dress, and this is what I came up with!

This whole outfit, and I mean WHOLE outfit, cost just £50.50! Everything! Shoes, tights, dress, blazer, bag, bow and bangle - the whole shebang. Yep, I was shocked too, that sure was some savvy shopping!

We went in heavy at the start but votes have dropped off this week so I'd love you all forever and ever amen if you could hit THIS asap and pop a comment in the box to say you're voting for moi, Jade at The Style Rawr, thankyou please! :D

If you think you'd like a pop at the Style Project, keep your eye on @Matalan on Twitter, for the next shout outs!

J - Churrrrrz!


Hey there, thanks for taking the time to follow and comment! Pop your thoughts here and we will come take a peek at your blog/profile too. :) T and J xo